Check Log for me please?

Coizado8 years ago

Hi again.

I've made a few more configurations, with regards to APN and such, swapped to yet an other Carrier SIM and I've also found out it indeed communicates via UDP.

I've left it on the same Port 5021. I'm very sorry for bothering you this much, but could you please check again?


Anton Tananaev8 years ago

I can see some data, but I'm not sure if it's from your device. Even if it is, it doesn't seem to be supported by Traccar:

2016-12-13 17:15:01 DEBUG: [77C8B155: 5021 <] HEX: 2100005516114001403130342e3235312e3231352e38384035303231403230302e3139352e3234362e31333840363039364001404e4038323939313639393136403040b4400a4000
2016-12-13 17:15:16 DEBUG: [77C8B155: 5021 <] HEX: 000055161f000000000000000000005600173b0501500200
2016-12-13 17:24:30 DEBUG: [77C8B155: 5021 <] HEX: 000055161f00000000000000000000560000090601500200
2016-12-13 17:24:58 DEBUG: [77C8B155: 5021 <] HEX: 000055161f00000000000000000000560000090601500200
2016-12-13 17:25:14 DEBUG: [77C8B155: 5021 <] HEX: 000055161f00000000000000000000560000090601500200
2016-12-13 18:25:03 DEBUG: [77C8B155: 5021 <] HEX: 000055161f00000000000000000000560012180d0c100200
2016-12-13 20:24:39 DEBUG: [77C8B155: 5021 <] HEX: 000055161f00000000000000000000560014180d0c100200
2016-12-13 20:25:52 DEBUG: [77C8B155: 5021 <] HEX: 000055161f00000000000000000000560014180d0c100200
2016-12-13 20:27:02 DEBUG: [77C8B155: 5021 <] HEX: 000055161f00000000000000000000560014180d0c100200
2016-12-13 20:27:02 DEBUG: [77C8B155: 5021 <] HEX: 000055161f00000000000000000000560014180d0c100200
2016-12-13 20:28:11 DEBUG: [77C8B155: 5021 <] HEX: 000055161f00000000000000000000560014180d0c100200
Coizado8 years ago

That is definitely my tracker, that first line converts to the 2 IPs configured in it, Demo4 server and the original IP it came, why it sent it's own IP configuration as a communication to the server is beyond me. Also those IPs owner shows as the Carrier of the Sim card currently inside the device.

That's a shame it's not supported :(

Anyways, thank you very much and sorry for the trouble.

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

Let me know if you manage to find protocol documentation for the device. Then it will be possible to implement it.

Coizado8 years ago

Hi Anton,

Me again! I've managed to get a file from the manufacturer.

Here's de link:

Thanks again, and sorry for the trouble!

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

That's not what I see on the server side, so either documentation is incorrect, or there is something wrong with the device.

Coizado8 years ago

Yeah, I though so too, the line you posted from the log does not match the line in the document, but then again I'm not an expert, so I though there maybe was some sort of conversion from hex to text or something like that, that would make what's in the document make sense compared to the actual communication.

So I refrained from saying to the manufacturer that it probably was the wrong protocol documentation until you could take a look.

I'll email them again, and try to get something else that makes sense.

Could you post some new communications of the device, they should have coordinates now (instead of a bunch of zeros). So I can attach to the email to the manufacturer?

Although the documentation might not match, since the traccar Demo basically only reads and displays the coordinates, it doesn't send commands to the tracker, and therefore does not need to receive or understand other information, like fuel pump shutoff or Alarm horn on or off, panic or SOS, is it possible to do a little guess work and now that the communication from the device has coordinates, extract from the communication at least enough so it shows on the Map?

Thank you very much.

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

Here is some more data from logs:

2016-12-15 15:05:16 DEBUG: [77C8B155: 5021 <] HEX: 2100005516114001403130342e3235312e3231352e38384035303231403230302e3139352e3234362e31333840363039364001404e4038323939313639393136403040b4400a4000
2016-12-15 15:14:46 DEBUG: [77C8B155: 5021 <] HEX: 000055161f09262b3853232a0b0f5741000f0e0f0c100208
2016-12-15 15:16:33 DEBUG: [77C8B155: 5021 <] HEX: 000055161f09262b3853232a0b0f5741000f0e0f0c100208
2016-12-15 16:14:49 DEBUG: [77C8B155: 5021 <] HEX: 000055161f09262b3353232a0b17574100100e0f0c100207
2016-12-15 16:15:09 DEBUG: [77C8B155: 5021 <] HEX: 000055161f09262b3353232a0b17574100100e0f0c100207
2016-12-15 18:14:55 DEBUG: [77C8B155: 5021 <] HEX: 000055161f09262b4453232a0a45574100120e0f0c10020a
2016-12-15 18:16:38 DEBUG: [77C8B155: 5021 <] HEX: 000055161f09262b4453232a0a45574100120e0f0c10020a
2016-12-15 18:16:54 DEBUG: [77C8B155: 5021 <] HEX: 000055161f09262b4453232a0a45574100120e0f0c10020a
2016-12-15 18:18:35 DEBUG: [77C8B155: 5021 <] HEX: 000055161f09262b4453232a0a45574100120e0f0c10020a
2016-12-15 18:18:35 DEBUG: [77C8B155: 5021 <] HEX: 000055161f09262b4453232a0a45574100120e0f0c10020a
2016-12-15 19:14:58 DEBUG: [77C8B155: 5021 <] HEX: 000055161f09262b4a53232a0a40574100130e0f0c100209
2016-12-15 19:15:39 DEBUG: [77C8B155: 5021 <] HEX: 000055161f09262b4a53232a0a40574100130e0f0c100209
2016-12-15 21:15:05 DEBUG: [77C8B155: 5021 <] HEX: 000055161f09262b3353232a0a45574100150f0f0c100208
2016-12-15 22:15:08 DEBUG: [77C8B155: 5021 <] HEX: 000055161f09262b4553232a0a39574100160f0f0c100209
2016-12-15 22:16:22 DEBUG: [77C8B155: 5021 <] HEX: 000055161f09262b4553232a0a39574100160f0f0c100209
2016-12-15 22:17:07 DEBUG: [77C8B155: 5021 <] HEX: 000055161f09262b4553232a0a39574100160f0f0c100209
2016-12-15 22:18:37 DEBUG: [77C8B155: 5021 <] HEX: 000055161f09262b4553232a0a39574100160f0f0c100209
2016-12-15 22:18:45 DEBUG: [77C8B155: 5021 <] HEX: 000055161f09262b4553232a0a39574100160f0f0c100209
2016-12-15 23:15:11 DEBUG: [77C8B155: 5021 <] HEX: 000055161f09262b5253232a0a4a574100170f0f0c10020c
2016-12-15 23:15:52 DEBUG: [77C8B155: 5021 <] HEX: 000055161f09262b5253232a0a4a574100170f0f0c10020c
2016-12-15 23:16:59 DEBUG: [77C8B155: 5021 <] HEX: 000055161f09262b5253232a0a4a574100170f0f0c10020c

Demo server is a fully-featured instance of Traccar. It can read and display all the additional information that your device sends.

Coizado8 years ago

Hi Anton!

Me again! I think I've got the necessary information now. They've sent me a new file with one of the lines in your log as the example.

Here's the link:

Hope you can make it work.

Thank you very much for all your attention.

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

Send me an email to discuss the protocol implementation. Address is on support page.