here again in english (traccar v6.6)
I can see it on the official version 6.6, so not sure what's going on in your case.
i only use devices with huabao protocoll and there is no position.attributes.result set in the database for my commands.
i only find this string when i use a gt06 device.
i need to look in the huabao protocol decoder why there are no results for the commands decoded
ok in the huabao decoder the MSG_TERMINAL_GENERAL_RESPONSE = 0x0001;
is not decoded
found that my usePositionsAttributes.js was wrong
What do you mean by "my usePositionsAttributes.js"? You weren't using Traccar 6.6?
i am using my own customized version of traccar which is based on 6.6.
inmy usePosisitonsAttributes,js were only a few entries.
after copying the file from the official traccar repo now all attributed are there.
Oh man. Dude if you're gonna fork the Github repo, you really need to lead with that as a statement before you say anything is broken!
That's not English.