Simple Traccar calendar for scheduled reports

Cristiana year ago

Can I use a simple Traccar calendar, for scheduled reports, but define at what time it runs, to avoid all scheduled reports running at the same time. I have several scheduled reports and they run at the same time crashing the server.

Anton Tananaeva year ago

Scheduled reports run at the end of the calendar event.

Cristiana year ago

Anton, in the attached example it would run at the time indicated by the red arrow?

Anton Tananaeva year ago

The screenshot is not in English, so I don't know if it's a valid calendar for this use case.

Cristiana year ago

It is now in English

Anton Tananaeva year ago

This doesn't look like a valid calendar for scheduling reports. Your from and to span multiple days, but then you're asking to generate reports weekly on Mondays and Tuesdays. I don't know how you expect this to work, but it most likely won't.

Cristiana year ago

I am trying to understand how it works but I think I have it.
in this case I will receive a report on Sunday 31 between 22:00 and 22:15 hrs, weekly from Monday to Sunday.

Anton Tananaeva year ago

No, it doesn't look right.

Cristiana year ago

I was able to do what I needed
I created a calendar on this page , exported it in ics format and then uploaded it to traccar as a custom calendar.
I received the email with the week's trips from the device I created a scheduled report assigning the custom calendar to.

Cristiana year ago

If I schedule the recurrence of the report the email does not arrive, but just by removing the recurrence the email arrives with the date range that corresponds and at the time it is scheduled to be sent.
I have switched to Thunderbird thinking that it could be a problem of the program I am using to create the calendar, but the same thing happens.

Luis S.3 days ago

Hola Cristian al final pudiste configurar bien em calendario?

Cristian3 days ago

Estoy trabajando con la versión 6.4 con reportes programados semanales sin problema usando el calendario de traccar

Luis S.2 days ago

Yo probe que envié notificaciones cuando hay movimientos pero no los envia. Asi que estoy atascado con el tema del calendario

Cristian2 days ago

Mira, ese calendario lo uso para que se envíe una comando a ciertos dispositivos todos los días en ese rango horario y me funciona impecable, creé la notificación de envío de comando le asigné el calendario a la notificación, y luego le asigno la notificación a los dispositivos que quiero

Luis S.2 days ago

Yo tengo asi configurado el calendario pero no envia las notificaciones
Captura de pantalla 2025-02-21 a la(s) 2.38.45 p.m..png
Captura de pantalla 2025-02-21 a la(s) 2.39.58 p.m..png

He revisado los logs pero no encuentro el error ni el porque no envia la notificacion pero si le elimino el calendario a la notificacion llega sin problemas