Use case between Range and Distance.

Turbovix3 days ago

Hello everyone, can someone explain to me the difference between the options below that exist in the client app?

Interval: (When I set it to 300, it means that every 300 seconds it will report the location)

Distance: (When I set it to 100, it means that the device will report the location every 100 meters)

Am I correct in these statements?
And if I leave one or the other without values, only the one with a defined value will be the one that will report?
Can I use both with defined values, or can I use only time or distance?

Thank you in advance for your support.

Anton Tananaev3 days ago

Statements are correct. You have to have the interval. Distance is optional.

Turbovix3 days ago

And if you have both options configured, will the app report both in time and distance?

Anton Tananaev3 days ago

Yes, whichever first.

Turbovix3 days ago

Perfect, thanks for the feedback.