Position Forward Failed

Atulalmaa month ago

What Is the reasons for position forward failed

  1. the issue with end point url
  2. or its indicate the something other issue
2025-02-19 00:01:07 WARN: Position forwarding failed: 26378 pending - HTTP error: 429 - RuntimeException (PositionForwarderUrl:448 < *:431 < *:428 < ...)
Track-tracea month ago

You never tried ai to answer the question ? Like chat-gpt, co-pilot, claude ai, deepseek etc. Its free to do so. I did receive this possible answer.

Let me help you understand and troubleshoot this Traccar warning message. It appears you're experiencing a position forwarding issue.
Breaking down the error message:

Timestamp: 2025-02-19 00:01:07
Level: WARN (warning)
Issue: "Position forwarding failed"
Pending positions: 26378
Error type: HTTP 429 error
Location: PositionForwarderUrl line 448

The HTTP 429 error code means "Too Many Requests" - your application is being rate limited by the receiving server. This is particularly concerning given the large number of pending positions (26,378).
Some potential solutions:

Check your API rate limits with the receiving service
Implement request throttling in your Traccar configuration
Consider increasing the forwarding interval
If possible, negotiate higher rate limits with your service provider

It might be helpfull.

Atulalmaa month ago

@Track-trace thanks for detailes information.