New Apple APN certificate

Amadoa month ago

I received the following message from my apple developer's account:
I'm running traccar 6.4 on ubuntu 22.04


We’re reaching out with a final reminder that the Certification Authority (CA) for Apple Push Notification service (APNs) is changing. APNs updated the server certificates in sandbox on January 21, 2025. APNs production server certificates will be updated on February 24, 2025. To continue using APNs without interruption, you’ll need to update your application’s Trust Store to include the new server certificate: SHA-2 Root: USERTrust RSA Certification Authority certificate.

How do I "update your applications's trust store to include the new server certificate" ?
Is it something to do at traccar server's level or an the unbuntu OS level?


odhiamboa month ago

Doesn't look like it has anything to do with traccar. Where in the traccar setup do you use Apple Push Notification service?

Amadoa month ago

It seems it has to do with the under-laying java back end an its certificate storage. I don't really know what will happen if I do nothing, that's why I trying to update ../traccar/jre/lib/security/cacerts file . I understand that traccar server send notifications to iphones via APN and if these servers change certificates I'm afraid the push will stop to work

odhiamboa month ago

I'm sorry to have waded into this, but have you configured any APNs in traccar.xml to enable what you're talking about? Since APNs are network specific, how many of those have you configured in your traccar.xml? No one really messes up with the code in traccar (or maybe only me?) as most of the things are done in the config file and the web UI.

Amadoa month ago

I think that only Firebase push notification is configured within traccar.xml. But now I have a question too: how traccar send notifications to iphones? I understand it can be done via Firebase too but I'm not sure

Track-tracea month ago