Offline mapping/ map cache

chris19789 years ago


I've only just discovered Traccar but wow, what a great find it is! My question is....

Is there a way of using offline mapping or caching large areas of mapping for use when offline?

My use for Traccar will be on either very low bandwidth networks or closed networks, hence the need for offline mapping.

I tried creating my own tile server using the following guide:

I managed to create the tile server but was unable to get Traccar to retrieve the mapping.

Thanks in advance for your help,


Anton Tananaev9 years ago

You should be able to use local tile server. I guess something is configured incorrectly if it doesn't work.

chris19789 years ago

Thanks for the speedy response!

I could view the contents of my tile server through a web browser but I think my problem was the URL to enter in the "Custom Maps" field on Traccar Server. I tried http://{network address}/osm/slippymap.html and http://{network address}/osm/slippymap but neither seemed successful

Thank you


Anton Tananaev9 years ago

That's wrong URLs. URL has to have parameters x, y and z for a tile:

chris19789 years ago

Thanks for your help, I managed to get the correct URL. It was:

//{network address}/osm/{z}/{x}/{y}.png

Thanks again


Ftyhh6 days ago

Where are we supposed to put the link generated by the tile server, and how to create our own tile server?