Upgrade Traccar

dcassidy19 days ago

I am currently running Traccar version 5.12 on Ubuntu 22.04.5 and want to upgrade to Traccar 6.6.

Can I go straight from 5.12 to 6.6. Or do I do it in stages e.g. 5.12 to 6.0 to 6.1 ......

After the upgrade, if I inserting my username and database password into the new Traccar.xml. Will this reconnect to my Traccar database, with all of my trackers and users.

Thanks for your any help

Turbovix19 days ago

You should follow the instructions in the link below, in general there should be no problems in updating directly to version 6.6, however remember that in version 6.6 there is no longer a visible default.xml file, if you have any parameters configured in this file (you shouldn't have) you should place them in traccar.xml. Remember to back up: media folder, the traccar.xml configuration file and your database and if you have changes to the files in the templates folder, back them up as well.


dcassidy19 days ago

Thanks for the info. I will give it ago.

samaidha18 days ago

Recently I did upgrade ( straight from 5.11 to 6.6), I only backed up the traccar.xml file, just follow the instruction link from Turbovix.

  1. Remove the old version
  2. Download and install the new version
  3. Replace the Traccar.xml file with the backed up file.

However if your are using media files, make sure to backup them too before removing the old version,
so after the upgrade you can do step 3 with the media files.

dcassidy18 days ago

Thanks for the info.