Configure PAJ PET Finder 4G for Traccar

Sebastiana month ago

Finaly i get the first one to work :)

SMS Command:

IP domain port

Returns "SET OK"

Protocol is H02 on Port 5013



Will restart the tracker

GPS4PETSa month ago

which paj device is it?
the small black one or the one with the 2 glowing eyes?

CXZT should show status
is the tracker shown in traccar?
Can you post a pic of the details page with all transmitted data?

Sebastiana month ago

It's the "PAJ Allround Finder 4G", the black one without the silver line arround (that's also an Allround Finder 4G, but an LK208-4G)

The CXZT command returns nothing...

Here is the screenshot of returned data (lat and lon reduced for privacy ;) )

GPS4PETSa month ago

how did you set the apn?

Sebastiana month ago

I didn't set the APN, as the password is unknown.
The Tracker connects to my Traccar instance without changing the APN (with my own SIM Card)...

GPS4PETSa month ago

may i ask from which provider sim card comes?
i have a paj 4g pet here and can change all but the apn.
the apn is fixed to wsim
my emnify card does not go online

GPS4PETSa month ago

but right now it is working with my traccar server and the original paj sim card

GPS4PETSa month ago

one thing i dont understand why it the tracker sending data in text and hex?

2025-02-14 17:32:51  INFO: [T9b5f0d91: h02 < 90.134.???.????] *HQ,?????????,V1,163251,A,5420.????,N,010??.????,E,000.00,063,140225,FFFFF9FF,262,03,11891,2721818,21,0#
2025-02-14 17:32:51  INFO: [T9b5f0d91] id: ??????????, time: 2025-02-14 17:32:51, lat: 54.?????, lon: 10.?????, course: 63.0, batteryLevel: 21
2025-02-14 17:32:51  INFO: [T9b5f0d91: h02 > 90.134.???.????] *HQ,??????????,V4,V1,20250214163251#
2025-02-14 17:32:54  INFO: [T9b5f0d91: h02 < 90.134.???.???] 
2025-02-14 17:32:54  INFO: [T9b5f0d91] id: ??????????, time: 2025-02-14 17:32:44, lat: 54.??????, lon: 10.?????, course: 63.0, batteryLevel: 21
GPS4PETSa month ago

the hex is the gpsdata but i cant find a documention for the length of it. all documentation shows a much shorter hex string

Sebastiana month ago

Sure, my personal SIM Card (for testing) is from german "FONIC" with APN - the original SIM is an EMnify SIM Card!

The mix from text and binary messages seems normal!

GPS4PETSa month ago

then fonic is not so picky about the APN.
I am using emnify for all my trackers but the APN must be em or emnify.
In the PAJ tracker it is wsim that should be WhereEver Sim cards

Sebastiana month ago

Do you have a business? It is nearly impossible in germany to get an IoT/M2M Contract without a business...

2 Weeks before, i got two SIM Cards from TruPhone (Teltonika) that i can bought as a private person...

GPS4PETSa month ago

yes just google gps4pets.
We only have about 1300 trackers out in the world but we are still a young company

Sebastiana month ago

Oh okay, i see your homepage :)
1300 trackers sounds like a good start

GPS4PETSa month ago

just played a little around with the PAJ 4G Pet tracker.

connected it to serial TTL 2 USB converter and got a reply on the AT%TEST=START# command
Now i know the SDK type and version.

soldered usb cable to onboard USB pins. and started aboot with the firmware for the C032 4G Pet tracker.

and now i have a unlocked tracker which works with T808/huabao protocol