Duplicate entry device add into demo4.traccar.org server

Rodney Yeo16 days ago

Dear Admin,

Kindly be informed, I would like to notify you that there seems to be a problem with demo4.traccar.org in adding again new device into the newly created instance after the second time of creation after deletion of user account?

Is there a mechanism of time schedule period interval on your demo server you will reset all users created and deleted all orphan entry for us user to use the demo server for experimental purposes for a period of 7 days max trial free demo usage period to avoid user abusing your free demo facility services result in not subscribing to your paid services?

Just a tinker.



Error ...

Duplicate entry '707903' for key 'tc_devices.uniqueid' - SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException (... < QueryBuilder:469 < DatabaseStorage:95 < BaseObjectResource:73 < ... < OverrideFilter:50 < ...)


Anton Tananaev16 days ago

We don't have a regular schedule for cleaning demo servers.