SinoTrack undocumented commands

Manfred20 days ago

There are some undocumented commands for SinoTrack Trackers. Let's collect them here (thanks to @Tww).

Command Effect Comment Default
<SPBSJ*P:BSJGPS*3P:1> Switch on curve drive mode Increases the sampling frequency during driving through a curve (turning point, angle dependent creation of trackpoints). Helps to improve the track to follow the curve significantly on
<SPBSJ*P:BSJGPS*3Z:1> Switch off curve drive mode Curves are not followed anymore off
<SPBSJ*P:BSJGPS*3P:0> Real-time tracking mode on Normal tracking mode without sleep mode on
<SPBSJ*P:BSJGPS*3P:2> Smart power saving mode Device goes to sleep (offline) when no motion is detected anymore, wakes up (online) upon motion detection (i.e., online when driving). Saves power compared to real-time tracking mode. off
<SPBSJ*P:BSJGPS*3P:1xx> (xx=sending data interval) Deep power-saving mode Wake up and upload data according to the specified time interval xx, which can be set at a range of 10-720 minutes. During the other time, motion does not wakeup the device, but the light sensor (where available) can wake up the device. off
Tww20 days ago

@Manfred These aren't "SinoTrak" commands as that is all device speiofic. This was just to be used as a redrence... *P = Password... BSJGPS
9014L's dont have that as the password..... Form teh factory... so none of these commands are likely to work.... May want to delete this Thread or update commands to reflect no password.

Manfred20 days ago

OK, sorry, this was a misunderstanding. It even does not make sense to collect it this way, as I cannot edit my post above. I also cannot delete it. So please: Do not consider the thread
What I can say: <SPBSJ*P:BSJGPS*3Z:1> works on a SinoTrack ST-901L, the others I don't know.