Error detecting in acc on and acc off VT310 modified

Dear, I just uploaded another file, can you see it? Thank you.

Anton Tananaeva year ago

Sorry, but I think I reached my limit on this one. Why would you send files without checking them yourself first?

Ok, no problem, thanks

bumihartawana month ago

HI Anton,
i got similiar problem after upgrade traccar ver 3.11 to 6.6
device is VT310 meiligao prorocol and part of event is no data dan i check on attribute format data is different, previosly example before upgarde event 3000 is Engine ON dan 2000 is Engine OFF . I send you data below , please check 27/01/2025 22:53 after upgrade and 27/01/2025 22:17 before upgrade. after upgrade atribut had new format , it show Digital input/output status from 1-5

45212821053_20250127233801_4779748	27/01/2025 22:53	27/01/2025 22:53	meiligao	45212821053	0		-6.910.895	10.779.484	20250127155341	A	29	871	0		{"hdop":0.9,"out1":false,"out2":false,"out3":false,"out4":false,"out5":false,"in1":false,"in2":false,"in3":false,"in4":false,"in5":true,"adc1":11,"adc2":9,"rssi":29,"odometer":1199525503,"distance":0.0,"totalDistance":0.0,"motion":false}
45212821053_20250127221801_4779035	27/01/2025 22:17	27/01/2025 22:17	meiligao	45212821053	0	3000	-6.910.895	10.779.484	20250127221722	A	28	871	33860.89	3000	{"hdop":"0.9","status":"3000","adc1":12,"adc2":9,"rssi":28,"odometer":1199525503,"ip":"","distance":0.0,"totalDistance":33860.89} 

thank a lot

Anton Tananaeva month ago

What are we even looking at here?

bumihartawana month ago

hi anton , here is part of different format data before and after update traccar
tracar ver 3.11


traccar ver 6.6

Anton Tananaeva month ago

Looks like the status bitmask is now split into separate input and output fields.

bumihartawana month ago

thank for help, Anton