We don't support circle geofences anymore. Just use polygon instead.
Hi Anton, sorry for resuming an old thread, is it a problem if I inherited a circle geofence from an old version of Traccar? Now I'm using server 5.5.
Shouldn't be a problem, but you won't be able to edit it or create new ones.
hi @Anton, am using 5.7 version, How can I create a Geofence Circle?
Carefully read this thread.
Also after 2 years I still thought it would be useful to re-enable geofence circles.
Yes, most of us use GeoFence Circular and want to increase or decrease the default size using a easy java slider -/+ function like at SeeWorldGPS.com App Platform. Is there a way to do this in /opt/traccar/conf/traccar.xml file settings?
Circles are useful.
So sad some of the best features were discarded...
How can I create or change a Geofence Circle? I have only the option for a polygon Geofence.