Spent Fuel Computed Attribute

Vaibhav Patela month ago

Hello everyone,

I need assistance in calculating a computed attribute for "Spent Fuel" based on the distance covered in each trip. For instance, if my car's mileage is 20 km/liter and the distance for a trip is 40 km, then the "Spent Fuel" value in the trip report should be 2 liters.

Could someone kindly guide me on the formula for this computed attribute? I have searched extensively on the forums and tried various suggestions, but I haven’t been successful so far. If there is a relevant post or solution, I would greatly appreciate it if you could point me in the right direction.

Cristiana month ago

I have that one for a yield of 10 km/liter.
Captura de pantalla 2025-01-24 a la(s) 9.43.46 a.m..png

Vaibhav Patela month ago

Thanks Cristian. It worked for me.