Problem showing reports on custom app in 6.6

I recently installed traccar 6.6. I rushed to do so because of the SMS problems in 6.5. The good news is that 6.6 has resolved the SMS issue. The bad news is that another issue has seemingly cropped up, at least in my case. The main problem is that when I clicked on reports on the mobile app, and then when I attempted to get the app to Show a report (eg a Combined report for the month), I was getting the following error "error - For input string: "31.xxxxxx" - NumberFormatException" .

When I checked in my logs, I was seeing the following error;

"2025-01-15 11:57:32  WARN: Scheduled reports error - Unsupported unit: Weeks - UnsupportedTemporalTypeException (... < Calendar:76 < ... < *:78 < TaskReports:85 < ...)"

Don't know if the error is related to the particular issue. Note that the reports where showing fine on the web application. The error persisted even after I removed all calendar items. Anyway, what I have done is that I have reverted back to traccar 6.4. I skipped 6.5 because that one had the SMS issue. The situation is not ideal because my web app is on 6.6 while my server is on 6.4 but everything is working perfectly so far, including the reports. Anyway, maybe someone has encountered a similar issue and they can shed more light

Anton Tananaeva month ago

Those are two different issues, but for the first one can you try this version:

Cristiana month ago

does this mean that version 6.6 has problems with scheduled reports? it is not clear to me

Anton Tananaeva month ago

The preview I provided just has more logging. It's unclear what the problem is.

Hmmm. I don't think there are problems with scheduled reports. The only issue that I had was with showing the report on the phone on the mobile app. I haven't yet tried the preview version as suggested by Anton. Will do so later. As he stated, those are two different issues. I just assumed they were one issue while browsing through server logs