Display computed attribute

Foxchipa year ago


I created a computed attribute but I don't understand how to display it on a device
I would like to display the computed attribute on the map with the details of the device (if possible) on on reports
It is for fuel level which is io390 but I need to divide by 10 to have the right value

Anton Tananaeva year ago

First of all, have you checked if the computed attribute is working correctly?

Foxchipa year ago

Yes I try on a device with the test section and 420 has a result of 42

Anton Tananaeva year ago
  1. OK, have you linked it to the device?
  2. Do you see the value in "more details"?
Foxchipa year ago
  1. No I don't find how to do it
  2. No because 1. not
Anton Tananaeva year ago
Foxchipa year ago

Now link to the device but not seen in "more details"

Anton Tananaeva year ago

You need to wait for the new data. Make sure you read the official documentation:


Foxchipa year ago

ok thanks for your reply
it is possible to have directly on the device : not in more details?

Anton Tananaeva year ago

Yes. You can configure it in preferences, but have to make sure it's working first.

Nabil MAKHLAF2 months ago

Thank you for this clarification Anton! I need to ask more questions:
1 - Can we link the new computed-attribute directly to the group so that all the devices will herite it?
2 - How can we configure a special notification for a computed-attribute?

Thank you

Anton Tananaev2 months ago

Do you have a second forum account?

Nabil MAKHLAF2 months ago

Yes I have another account, but this is the main one, why?