It's controlled by your browser.
I have the same problem, but cannot find any settings in der traccar web UI which would allow to set the week start day.
I would like to have Monday as week start and the browser language is set to german but reports always start the week on sunday.
I really would appreciate your advice on this.
PS.: I am using Chrome version 116
best regards
I have the same problem here, Chrome and firefox are in French, my OS is in French and start of the week in the OS is set on Monday.
But all the week reports start on Sunday and not Monday.
If someone find the solution, taht would be nice.
Pretty easy to change when using Google Chrome. Make one simple change in the Goolge Calendar settings. It affects Chrome as well.
In the modern interface when I run any weekly report the default start day is Sunday.
On the legacy interface the week starts on Monday.
Is there a way to make the modern interface week to start on Monday instead of Sunday?
I am using Traccar 5.3.