Session cookie missing from the header

Bruce Yg.a month ago

I had some problem in getting the jsessionid when creating a new session.

To be specific, I was able to create a new session using the endpoint /session with basicauth, and view it via the response for the headers for the first time. When I repeated the create a new session request after closing the previous session, the jsessionid is no longer present.

Viewing the jsessionid in the developer option was alright without any problem though.


  1. Are the cookies set to delete when session is closed? Expirition is set to 01 Jan 1970. How can i get a new one again? The entire 'set-cookie' key in the header is missing.


Anton Tananaeva month ago

I think we recently added clearing session on logout, but for a long time we reused sessions.

Bruce Yg.a month ago

does this mean that this is intended. And the jsessionid remains the same?

Anton Tananaeva month ago
