Missing Event Registration for Teltonika FMC920 on Traccar Server

Piotr Mróz3 months ago


I am currently facing an issue with the Teltonika FMC920 tracker, which is being used on the Traccar server. Although I have configured the tracker to send various event data (such as collisions, towing, and power disconnects), the server does not seem to register these events.

I have verified that the tracker is set up correctly to send this data, but it is not appearing in the Traccar logs or on the server interface. Additionally, other AVL events might also be missing, even though they are configured on the tracker.

Could anyone assist me with this issue, or is there a possibility to add support for these specific events for the Teltonika FMC920 in future Traccar updates?

Thank you in advance for your help.

Anton Tananaev3 months ago

Sounds like your device is not sending the data. How did you verify that?

Piotr Mróz3 months ago

I verified the issue by setting a low collision detection threshold on the Teltonika FMC920 tracker. Then, I manually triggered an event by physically striking the tracker. The tracker successfully sent an SMS notification with the event details, confirming that the collision detection works on the device.

Additionally, I had push notifications enabled in the Traccar app, and these notifications were tested earlier to ensure they were functioning. However, despite this setup, no collision event was registered in the Traccar panel, and I did not receive any push notifications for this event.

The only change I noticed was the updated timestamp for the last received position from the tracker. This suggests the device is communicating with the server, but certain events (like collision detection) are not being logged or displayed.

I also want to emphasize that the device settings are correctly configured to send these AVL event data to the server. Despite this, these specific events are not being logged in Traccar.

Furthermore, I checked the Reports > Events tab for this device, and none of these events were registered there either.

Could it be that the current integration of the Teltonika protocol in Traccar does not support decoding and handling these specific event?

Anton Tananaev3 months ago

You have to find where the problem is. Is it not sent by the device or is it not decoded? You do that by looking and decoding the HEX data from logs. That would be the raw data from the device.

Piotr Mróz3 months ago

It’s difficult for me to verify the issue in more detail, but I have connected the device to the Traccar demo server, and the issue persists. Even on the demo server, the events are not being registered.

For example, the event indicating that the device was disconnected from power and is running on battery is also not being recorded.

Anton Tananaev3 months ago

Why is it difficult to verify?