ST-901 disable daily report SMS?

Rodney Yeo3 months ago

Then you need to email SinoTrack support on your device malfunction issue not accepting command as in their manual.

6650000 OFF

Else issue a factory default reset command to clear all previous stored settings.


Rodney Yeo3 months ago

To reset a SinoTrack GPS tracker, you can use the command "RESET" and the device will respond with "SET OK!". 

JW Consulting2 months ago

Hi Rodney

I am looking to use Traacar, looking for battery powered , single use devices . Price point is important however so is reliability

Do you have a relevant devices all working with Traccar?

Rodney Yeo2 months ago

Dear JW Consulting,

I think SinoTrack ST-915L would be ideal tracker with long battery life usage on a single charge.

I must endorse that h02 protocol is very accurate and reliable as I personnally using it with Traccar.

JW Consulting2 months ago

Rodney - I've sent you a email with RFP wait to hear from you, looking to use Traccar in the new year so keen to get samples

Rodney Yeo2 months ago

I did not receive any email ftom you yet. You sure you send to the right address? You know my email address?

JW Consulting2 months ago
Rodney Yeo2 months ago

Oh. This is SinoTrack manufacturer email. Not my email address.

Please take note I am just a customer who uses SinoTrack products with sincere independant tech feedback on consumer view.

I am in no relation with SinoTrack company what so ever at all.

My review and feedback on any Tracker product is independant honest reviews. Unbias to mainrain public accuracy reviews.


Rodney Yeo

Anton Tananaev2 months ago

My review and feedback on any Tracker product is independant honest reviews. Unbias to mainrain public accuracy reviews.

I don't think this is true, based on the aggressive marketing you're doing for SinoTrack products.

Rodney Yeo2 months ago

@nton if you are a Christian and your trust in Jesus Christ. Then I am his followers and I will never lie. I am Catholic convert by the way after many years as Protestant Christian. Amen.

I have nothing to gain from SinoTrack financially. But I like their product since it never hangs and GPS location updates is precise to the meters. Their devices take up very low bandwidth quota. Which is great for low quota sim data plans. That is why I fully support SinoTrack firmware which is fully mature compare to SeeWorld which is so buggy and hangs often with inaccurate GPS location updates.

You may ask SinoTrack sales team if me, uncle Rodney Yeo from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia is ever their staffs at China. The answer is no by all means. I am just their customer via Shopee Malaysia purchases.

BTW, Merry Christnas.

Rodney Yeo2 months ago

@nton here is my traccar online realtime presence from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia as proof of my origins. As a devoted Catholic I do not lie. Amen.

You msy see my fb profile rodyeo for authenticity verification.


Rodney Yeo2 months ago

Here is my fb profile as proof of my identity.


Rodney Yeo2 months ago

I am a vlogger community influencer. I share good info of thing with the community unbiasly. Non profit base.

Anton Tananaev2 months ago

I don't question if you're a real person, but you advertise their product at every opportunity. There must be something behind it. A regular customer don't do something like this.

Rodney Yeo2 months ago

Ok. I get what you mean @nton. Since GPS tracker is so expansive in the global market and the cheapest is the chinese brand from China. But finding the most reliable ones requires risk of purchasing a unit to test for ourselves.

So since I have bought my first GPS tracker from Alibaba China namely SeeWorld S5L and got cheated and disappointed with the performance.

So I use this platform to share my past purchase and usage experinces to warn the public community not to make the same mistakes I have made and problems I have encountered.

But luckly after researching many online store customer purchases reviews and I decided to try my luck buying SinoTrack ST906-L and I was happy after using it discovering the product perfornance is far better off with no issues inherited by previous SeeWorld tracker.

Since I was so please with their product quality and performance which I am using their product for my family usage. I decided to help the traccar community to share my good experiences with the public community.

As the saying goes, good things is mean to be share via a word of mouth. And this is what I am doing, sharing info is caring to the community.

I am not like MiTrack forumer who is a sales person representing his company for sales and marketing interest.

I am independant product reviewer like GeatScott of YouTuber.

Stay blessed and help the community grow @nton. Your free GPS tacker software is the best and most sincere with Freeware endorsement in the world.

Non other have such great features similar like commercial softwares. Thanks for sharing a great product my mentor friend.

Again ... sharing is caring!