Raspberry Pi as a Client - If anyone is interested

Brodes10 months ago

I had a spare RPi3+ laying around and connected a USB GPS receiver and turned it into a tracking client device.
I have placed all the instructions at:


This will connect a Raspberry Pi3 to a 4G network using a 4G USB dongle. And turn a Raspberry Pi into a traccer client that will plot its location onto a traccer.org server once connected to the 4G network with the help of a USB GPS receiver. And live stream audio and video from a UV4L built in streaming server with the help of a USB webcam.

Rodney Yeo7 months ago

Thanks for the info link sharing. Yes. I was looking around for a Raspberry pi script to use as TracCar Client to TrackCar Server.

evdende572 months ago

Hello Brodes,

Thanks for sharing. This seems interesting.

Does this setup includes a gps tracker (usb f.e.)?

I actually did a setup in my raspberry pi 4b with a gps navigation device (usb, without imei number).

However of but in the traccar website it shows the gps tracker is off line. Any ideas perhaps?


Brodes2 months ago

Hi, The script is incorrect, i haven't updated it yet. Any standard USB GPS receiver will work.
Use the following to confirm that it's a GPS by trying to read from it using the following command, where X should be replaced by the name
of your device:

sudo cat /dev/ttyUSBX ( or for something more prettier try: awk -F"," '/GGA/ {print $3,$5}' /dev/ttyUSBX

This will mean your receiver will work if you're getting GPS reading onto the screen.

evdende572 months ago

Thanks for getting back to me.
I am a newby in Raspberry Pi; so what you responded, for me is like ancient Greek.

Could you please elaborate on your response please?


Brodes2 months ago

I've updated the instructions so everything should work if you have followed them.

make sure line 32 on the traccar client page is changed to reflect the correct server address.

evdende572 months ago

Thanks. I will look into it.

I have 'a chinese usb device' (TK-162 usb navigation tracker; comes without imei # and there is confusion about using port 5001 or 5053 )