Got hacked, sort of

mwpclark3 months ago

I am using linux traccar server 5.5 setup for mysql. Traccar has been working well for us for many years, including a custom app by Anton & company that incorporates traccar features. Recently I noticed some bogus entries in tc_devices, and then tc_users. The admin/admin password had not been changed after setup on new server, my fault. I fixed that.

I can delete bogus users from the admin login, now with changed password.

The first batch of bogus users/devices was about 3 months ago, the second batch a few weeks.

My question is, if I use mysql to delete all the bogus entries from tc_devices, will this create a problem?


list of users as of 12/6/24
MariaDB [traccar]> select id, name from tc_users;
| id | name                             |
|  1 | admin                            |
|  2 | eco                              |
|  3 | onthego                          |
|  5 | Maria                            |
|  6 | 70412c277df31b4b6b3de31f82c37545 |
|  7 | af32edbce7853a028d54b357131ee08b |
|  8 | 71f12b22d2b54b20f54f978cc82ff1e9 |
|  9 | 185695bc066c8576c79175ed6d9b630c |
| 10 | f50e7fe3ace1580cc80f04aff62b392d |
| 11 | djpyg                            |
| 12 | ahqat                            |
| 13 | loxzu                            |
| 14 | uiwfm                            |
| 15 | hicgwvyl                         |
| 16 | jjleqlgn                         |
| 17 | jfrbphoy                         |
| 18 | muibiauy                         |
17 rows in set (0.000 sec)

The tc_devices are what I noticed first:

MariaDB [traccar]> select id, name from tc_devices;
| id | name                     |
|  1 | Galaxy traccar           |
|  2 | iphone onthego #2        |
|  3 | galaxy app               |
|  4 | tab1                     |
|  5 | tab2                     |
|  6 | tab3                     |
|  7 | tab4                     |
| 10 | Gianni                   |
| 11 | Yovi 7                   |
| 12 | Danitza 6                |
| 13 | eco1                     |
| 14 | eco2                     |
| 15 | eco3                     |
| 16 | eco4                     |
| 17 | Yovi traccar             |
| 18 | mc tablet                |
| 26 | eco_ipad                 |
| 27 | Leticia                  |
| 28 | mc iphone                |
| 29 | zte                      |
| 31 | SLO Cleaning             |
| 32 | fc379a510ed87814e2068027 |
| 33 | a0f67f17d7dfc6601c00aa49 |
| 34 | 2cc121d13a70e4e06abfc805 |
| 35 | 6bdfd20f5ca00ecaf5075840 |
| 36 | 2f4859bc1f51987a655ff162 |
| 37 | Nick                     |
| 38 | Miguel Colombo iphone    |
| 39 | lrylbcki                 |
| 40 | nnnxbykn                 |
| 41 | heikqg                   |
| 42 | eejzqg                   |
| 43 | pixel new                |
| 44 | Meylin                   |
| 45 | pixel traccar            |
| 46 | kR7b8rPLbYgIv7cz         |
| 47 | Sr8ayxxpR0w3qNxM         |
| 48 | fMqJ6mcN0mxkwFfB         |
| 49 | RvCCQtCznE5ds7oK         |
| 50 | xxx                      |
40 rows in set (0.000 sec)
mwpclark3 months ago

I have just disabled the bogus users

Anton Tananaev3 months ago

Hacked or you never disabled public registration?

mwpclark3 months ago

Never changed the admin/admin password. Did that this morning. Is there another way to disable public registration?

Anton Tananaev3 months ago

Yes, in the server settings.

mwpclark3 months ago

So uncheck the Registration Permission?

Anton Tananaev3 months ago


mwpclark3 months ago

Done, thanks