wrong mileage calculation

Smart18 days ago

I am struggling with the wrong mileage value on port 5023, Traccar suddenly calculate the distance in thousands. here I am sharing a few of packets for your reference.

Anton Tananaev18 days ago

Are you talking about total distance? If yes, maybe your device travelled to the zero coordinates?

Smart18 days ago

the device didn't travel any distance but still the total distance was parsed in thousands. I considered it as a faulty device but when I registered the same device on gpsserver, it gave perfect value

Anton Tananaev18 days ago

Have you actually looked at the data?

Smart18 days ago

Yeah, can you please advise if I am missing something

Smart18 days ago


Recent most data

Anton Tananaev18 days ago

I mean you look at the decoded data where the jump happened.

Smart17 days ago

I don’t see ajy jumps , Decoded data is parsing wrong values, can you email me so I can send you all rawa data to analysing ? If you see any jumps

Anton Tananaev17 days ago

You can email us, but then it would have to be paid support.

Smart17 days ago

Makes sense, please email and tell me your charges

Anton Tananaev17 days ago

You need to email us.

Smart17 days ago

I know but since this stage you know what I am struggling with, so please send me an email and tell me payment I need to make.

Rodney Yeo17 days ago

Traccar creator is asking you to email support (at) traccar.org