Live Routes, Show Direction, Follow, Markers Clustering Show Map on Selection - Explanation?

heet3 months ago

Unfortunately, I cannot find any detailed explanations of the options in the Traccar documentation at
And there are also no videos that explain or show what these options do.

Preferences ->

  • Live Routes
  • Show Direction
  • Follow
  • Markers Clustering
  • Show Map on Selection

Server -> Permissions ->

  • Readonly
  • Device Readonly (Duplicating a device with the same unique id is not possible, so Traccar provides a special device readonly user setting to restrict users for modifying devices <- does this mean, if I activate this it would be possible that Traccar create a special device readonly user if I want to share a Device with a User?)

What exactly do these options do when they are on?
I tested the above options under “Preferences”, but I don't see any changes.


heet3 months ago

After searching the forum I think I have understood the meaning behind these options:

  • Live Routes
  • Follow
  • Show Direction

Just not those:

  • Markers Clustering
  • Difference between “Readonly” and “Device Readonly”
Anton Tananaev3 months ago

Marker clustering should be pretty self-explanatory. It's either enabled or disabled.

For readonly documentation see this: