Kindly this SMD command to thr tracker ... "6650000 OFF"
Send the command within quotes.
Then send ...
and followed by ...
As your seller for the SMS command lists ...
You can get all SinoTrack trackers ST-901 product manual here
You can move your tracker into your TracCar server and use Send Command function to set the SMS command.
I tried looking deep in Google search for any manuals that would have command to turn this feature off, but no luck.
I tried your suggestions Rodney, and this was the result:
Not sure if it actually did anything, will check tomorrow morning.
I guess after you have send "6650000OFF" to the tracker you need to reboot "RESTART" the unit for the settings to take effect.
Is this the SinoTrack ST-901 you owned?
Tried this:
Got another daily message a few hours later, which I set to a new time with 66500001500 command. No confirmation for the OFF command, RESTART worked fine.
This link does not seem to work for me.
I have the ST-901 with 4 cables.
This one:
This command seemed to get a response, will check if it works to disable
Try this SMS command format ...
6650000 OFF
BTW did you changed the default factory set pin 0000?
If so you need to use the new pin you have set instead of default 0000 pin code.
Example change default password to 1234.
Try send ...
If all fails contact the SinoTrack Support via email.
Then it is SinoTrack tech documentation writer who made the mistake in writing the wrong instructions SMS command.
Kindly email them to notify them of such silly mistake errors which causes consumer frustrations.
Okay 6650000 does turn it off, did not need to change password.
Documentation is missing many details. Thank you for your help!
Great glad it worked!
Sharing is caring ... good day to you ahead ... cheers.
Nevermind.. 6650000 just reset it to default time (midnight UTC)
Anyone know how to disable this daily SMS? What is causing this?
I tried the 665 command, but the OFF command does nothing.
It's not the end of the world, but annoying. Thanks for any help!