GPS line traces in user interface map

maximumcoolbeans3 months ago

I would like to get a sense of the potential functionality of Traccar. If I have an ESP32 with GPS and LTE functionality (Lilygo T-SIM7000G) send GPS coordinates data to a Traccar server, while also sending data about the start and stop of an event (a bike path maintenance machine being on), is it possible to make the line traces in the map of the Traccar user interface only appear between the GPS data points of the start and stop of the event (when the machine is on)? In other words, I want the line traces to be based on data sent about when the start and stop of the machine rather than based on the motion that is calculated by the algorithm in the server (with thresholds and whatnot).

Rodney Yeo3 months ago

Great ESP32 board for IoT GPS tracker developers ...

Rodney Yeo3 months ago

For those who want to build their own ESP32 GPS Tracker ...

Rodney Yeo3 months ago

This ESP32 unit is specific to my country region Malaysia ...

maximumcoolbeans3 months ago

I would appreciate it if someone has an answer to my original question.

Kaloyan Kanev3 months ago

Without changing the code is not possible, but you can use the API and with simple js, you can draw the trip over some maps like google

maximumcoolbeans3 months ago

It seems like if we can report the motion attribute based on when the bike path maintenance machine is on and off, that we can determine the start and stops of trips and therefore the apperance of GPS line traces in the map in Traccar. With the OsmAnd protocol, is the motion attribute recognized? As mentioned here ( "The standardized motion attribute was introduced to have a universal way of handling device motion for all protocols. Some devices report this attribute directly."

Richard Acosta3 months ago

Make the ESP32 send data only on start and stop of the task.
Or make it send that data as another device if you want to keep the motion in the middle data too.

maximumcoolbeans3 months ago

I'm not sure if you understood my question. What I'm after is to report the motion attribute directly so that I can determine the start and stops of trips (and therefore determine when GPS line traces start and stop).

geo3 months ago

You can use the moving event, get a report and convert it with a pyton script. I did some things that are not there, for example, duration of speeding or average temperatures

Richard Acosta3 months ago

You are using an ESP32, you can program it to do whatever you want.
Program it to send the motion attribute when it starts to move.

maximumcoolbeans3 months ago

That's precisely what we're trying to do but are having difficulties.