Error resolution

smsoousa3 months ago

Hello everybody! I am continually receiving these firebase and geocoder errors in version 6.5, however, in previous versions this problem does not exist, and we use the same geocoder for both servers.

2024-11-29 12:23:26  WARN: Firebase error - none of the tokens can be null or empty - IllegalArgumentException (... < NotificatorFirebase:111 < Notificator:39 < NotificationManager:139 < ... < *:132 < ... < *:131 < *:176 < ProcessingHandler:184 < ...)

2024-11-29 12:23:21  WARN: Geocoding failed - Connection reset - SocketException (...)
2024-11-29 12:23:22  WARN: Geocoding failed - Connection timed out - ConnectException (...)

Could anyone tell me what it could be? When this happens, my devices are frozen and continually changing status from online to offline.

Some users were without a notification token, so I kind of copied a valid token from another user and replicated it to the users who were {}, would there be any way to force users to log out of the web system and the application? Forcing them to create a new token when logging in.

And if I deleted the attribute column, resetting all tokens, would this error stop being generated?

Anton Tananaev3 months ago

Are you sure you're using the latest official release without any code or configuration changes? Both web and backend.

smsoousa3 months ago

Yes, Native version.

Anton Tananaev3 months ago

Not sure what you mean by native, but I don't think it answers all of my questions.

smsoousa3 months ago

You asked if I'm using an original version of Traccar, without modifications. And my answer was Yes!

smsoousa3 months ago

Anton, could the geocoder problem be the version I'm using of our named server? It's a very old version