There's no way to restrict that URL, but it will fail registration if it's disabled.
Make sure the checkbox is not Ticked.
Thank u for answer, the option is disabled in server section, but if the user write into the browser
this open and i can register a user. For this reason i ask: Is possible that if the user write
this not open or redirect to login?
Best regards
You're mistaken. Even though you can open that page if you do it directly, you can't really register a user. It will fail on the server side.
Look at the first option is disabled. Is true that register link not appear in login section, but continues working the link.
I will recording a video for show you that this continues registering users
Great. Just also make sure that you're not logged in as an admin. Include that in the video.
Hello again i find what was the problem. The problems is solved. If for any case anyone has similar problem, in my case was cache of nginx.
Best regards.
No. That's not possible.
I create a user and register as Admin, but if i put in the browser /register this view continues open, in traccar platform exist some configuration for restrict /register?? or how i can do it?