Get Teltonika devices to show battery level.

Kaloyan Kanev3 months ago

Of course you can work with FMC.
If the device send the parameter you will see it in "More Details" allways (if not exist some computed attributes which will overwrite it). And if the parameter is not signed, you will see it as "io113", then you can set new computed attribute with name what you want and put it in the popup.
The other option is to put device model in Device Settings and will come already parsed, BUT this will working correct if you have installed the latest official version.
In your case, probably you have no the last version.

rowl3y3 months ago

Ahh yes my bad. I don’t have the Lastest version running. 5.12 running.

Oluwatobi3 months ago

your low value and high value is set to zero. modify that to have it work as per what you want. for a 12 volt vehicle use low value as 10,000 and highvalue as 14,000, that should fix your issue