how to make docker image as dockerhub from source code

mike3 months ago

I want to build a docker image from special version like hash:402fe83, I download the version from github, compile/build traccar-server.jar, and than how to make docker image by myself?
I download docker image traccar:latest, replace traccar-server.jar can't run,so how to build docker image from source?

Turbovix3 months ago

1 - You can re-reference the official Docker documentation.

2 - You can view the official project on github and see the required layers.

3 - Finally, create your Dockerfile with the customizations you need.

4 - See my Dockerfile

FROM debian:bookworm-slim


RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y wget unzip && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*

WORKDIR /opt/traccar

COPY traccar-linux-64-$ /tmp/

RUN unzip /tmp/ -d /opt/traccar && rm /tmp/

RUN chmod +x /opt/traccar/

RUN /opt/traccar/ --quiet --accept


ENV TRACCAR_HOME=/opt/traccar

ENTRYPOINT ["/opt/traccar/jre/bin/java", "-Xms1g", "-Xmx1g"]

CMD ["-jar", "/opt/traccar/tracker-server.jar", "conf/traccar.xml"]