Mobicom W500 tracker

Victor4 months ago

Dear members,

I'm try to setup my server for GT06 protocol,
I got the info from the tracker but looks like the server can't recognised.


I see in the log but the device still offline.

Anybody have a same issue?
Maybe I don't understand something?
Please help me!
Thank you!

Anton Tananaev4 months ago
Victor4 months ago

Thank you Anton,

I was tried all of them yesterday but not working.
Do you have any other idea maybe?

Anton Tananaev4 months ago

Let's see your logs with all the ports.

Victor4 months ago

Dear Anton,

Im really busy in this days and next week as well. I will continue finding the solution for my new tracker, I will give it to you the logs later when I have time. Thank you for your help!

Hassan Sinada4 months ago

This device working by huabao protocol on port 5015
Your id 013655872693
I'm sure your device can working

Victor4 months ago

Dear Hassan,

Thank you for the info!
I will check after next week again.

Victor4 months ago

And the GPS working. I don't know why, I didn't do anything else. Only turn on again and thats it.
Yes it is huabao 5015 port, thank you guys for the help!