Why the ignition always show ON?

Don4 months ago

I use Teltonika FMB001, why the ignition always show ON?

my simple traccar.xml:

 <entry key='web.url'>https://trackers.ptdigital.co.id</entry>

        <entry key='web.shareDevice.commands'>true</entry>
        <entry key='web.shareDevice.reports'>true</entry>

        <entry key='database.driver'>org.postgresql.Driver</entry>
        <entry key='database.url'>jdbc:postgresql://pg.example.com/trackers</entry>
        <entry key='database.user'>traccar</entry>
        <entry key='database.password'>GuessWhatIsThis!</entry>

        <entry key='geocoder.enable'>true</entry>
        <entry key='geocoder.type'>nominatim</entry>
        <entry key='geocoder.url'>https://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/reverse</entry>

        <entry key='web.requestLog.path'>./logs/trackers-yyyy_mm_dd.request.log</entry>
        <entry key='web.requestLog.retrainDays'>3</entry>

I checked log (don't know what to do, but I found <teltonika> in there:

2024-10-25 02:54:04  INFO: [T1b9a76e7: teltonika <] 16030100ee010000ea03039eb06ba4adab50a18e85a8931922602ad5db300a0dff1398f922f4234db13b5f20c09a4321fbb360177e5c4dc7898f3b5e9bec6539a382cbbe390252d5ce6da5880026c02bc02fc02cc030cca9cca8c009c013c00ac014009c009d002f0035c012000a1301130213030100007b000500050100000000000a000a0008001d001700180019000b00020100000d001a0018080404030807080508060401050106010503060302010203ff0100010000120000002b0009080304030303020301003300260024001d00209377adbef5120398220db73777b4b622c3dd4e9eb1b46d62850042faf003981e
2024-10-25 02:54:24  INFO: [T1b9a76e7] disconnected
2024-10-25 03:19:08  INFO: [T6eed8728] connected
Don4 months ago


anybody can help me?, I have set compute attribute for the "Ignition" as follow:

(Distance = 0 && Speed = 0) ? false: true

I expect, if the result is false then the Ignition should show "No" otherwise "Yes"

current situation, the car is now parking for almost 3 hours (of course with the engine stopped), but Traccar claims the Ignition is on?

Teltonika FMB001

Hi, I think your computed parameter is not a good practice, becuase you are telling if the vehicle is stopped then the ignition status is OFF and thats not true in all cases.
You should verify that you configure the IO of the ignition to be sended in each report, the IO 239 should be present in the position message, and the parameter you should configure is the 50000 it could be configured in 1