Location of some GPS devices is not being parsed

jesusle4 months ago

The location of some GPS devices is not being parsed

not parsed

2024-10-15 16:42:50  INFO: Event id: [event_id], time: 2024-10-15 16:42:49, type: deviceOffline, notifications: 1
2024-10-15 16:42:51  INFO: [T47d27059: gps103 < [ip_address_1]] ##,imei:[imei_1],A;
2024-10-15 16:42:51  INFO: Event id: [event_id], time: 2024-10-15 16:42:51, type: deviceOnline, notifications: 1
2024-10-15 16:43:04  INFO: Event id: [event_id], time: 2024-10-15 16:43:03, type: deviceOffline, notifications: 1
2024-10-15 16:43:09  INFO: [T32a02763: gps103 < [ip_address_1]] ##,imei:[imei_1],A;
2024-10-15 16:43:09  INFO: Event id: [event_id], time: 2024-10-15 16:43:09, type: deviceOnline, notifications: 1
2024-10-15 16:43:31  INFO: [T32a02763: gps103 < [ip_address_1]] imei:[imei_1],tracker,241016004235,,F,[timestamp_1],A,[lat_1],S,[long_1],W,0.00,0;imei:[imei_1],tracker,241016004305,,F,[timestamp_2],A,[lat_1],S,[long_1],W,0.00,0;
2024-10-15 16:43:58  INFO: [T32a02763: gps103 < [ip_address_1]] imei:[imei_1],tracker,241016004335,,F,[timestamp_3],A,[lat_1],S,[long_1],W,0.00,0;[imei_1];
2024-10-15 16:44:31  INFO: [T32a02763: gps103 < [ip_address_1]] imei:[imei_1],tracker,241016004405,,F,[timestamp_4],A,[lat_1],S,[long_1],W,0.00,0;
2024-10-15 16:44:39  INFO: [T32a02763: gps103 < [ip_address_1]] imei:[imei_1],tracker,241016004435,,F,[timestamp_5],A,[lat_1],S,[long_1],W,0.00,0;
2024-10-15 16:44:59  INFO: [T32a02763: gps103 < [ip_address_1]] [imei_1];
2024-10-15 16:45:09  INFO: [T32a02763: gps103 < [ip_address_1]] imei:[imei_1],tracker,241016004505,,F,[timestamp_6],A,[lat_1],S,[long_1],W,0.00,0;


2024-10-15 16:46:05  INFO: [T586e1277] id: [imei_2], time: 2024-10-15 16:46:01, lat: [lat_2], lon: [long_2], speed: 3.0, course: 0.0
2024-10-15 16:46:39  INFO: [T586e1277: gps103 < [ip_address_2]] imei:[imei_2],tracker,241016004626,,F,[timestamp_7],A,[lat_2],S,[long_2],W,0.311,0;[imei_2];
2024-10-15 16:47:01  INFO: [T586e1277] id: [imei_2], time: 2024-10-15 16:46:27, lat: [lat_2], lon: [long_2], speed: 0.3, course: 0.0
2024-10-15 16:47:33  INFO: [T586e1277: gps103 < [ip_address_2]] imei:[imei_2],tracker,241016004726,,F,[timestamp_8],A,[lat_2],S,[long_2],W,0.605,0;
2024-10-15 16:47:34  INFO: [T586e1277] id: [imei_2], time: 2024-10-15 16:47:27, lat: [lat_2], lon: [long_2], speed: 0.6, course: 0.0
2024-10-15 16:47:39  INFO: [T586e1277: gps103 < [ip_address_2]] [imei_2];
2024-10-15 16:49:25  INFO: [T586e1277: gps103 < [ip_address_2]] imei:[imei_2],tracker,241016004826,,F,[timestamp_9],A,[lat_2],S,[long_2],W,0.098,0;[imei_2];imei:[imei_2],tracker,241016004854,,F,[timestamp_10],A,[lat_2],S,[long_2],W,2.915,350.59;
2024-10-15 16:49:27  INFO: [T586e1277] id: [imei_2], time: 2024-10-15 16:48:27, lat: [lat_2], lon: [long_2], speed: 0.1, course: 0.0
2024-10-15 16:49:27  INFO: [T586e1277] id: [imei_2], time: 2024-10-15 16:48:55, lat: [lat_2], lon: [long_2], speed: 2.9, course: 350.6
2024-10-15 16:49:30  INFO: [T586e1277: gps103 < [ip_address_2]] imei:[imei_2],tracker,241016004926,,F,[timestamp_11],A,[lat_2],S,[long_2],W,0.609,0;
2024-10-15 16:49:31  INFO: [T586e1277] id: [imei_2], time: 2024-10-15 16:49:27, lat: [lat_2], lon: [long_2], speed: 0.6, course: 0.0
2024-10-15 16:49:39  INFO: [T586e1277: gps103 < [ip_address_2]] [imei_2];

Maybe it's because of a lack of resources? I don't see an error in the log. Regards

Anton Tananaev4 months ago

Without unredacted data, it would be hard to say what the problem is.

Anton Tananaev4 months ago

You also forgot to mention what version you're using.

jesusle4 months ago

version is
Traccar 6.5

2024-10-15 16:42:50  INFO: Event id: 864180036656531, time: 2024-10-15 16:42:49, type: deviceOffline, notifications: 1
2024-10-15 16:42:51  INFO: [T47d27059: gps103 <] ##,imei:864180036656531,A;
2024-10-15 16:42:51  INFO: Event id: 864180036656531, time: 2024-10-15 16:42:51, type: deviceOnline, notifications: 1
2024-10-15 16:43:04  INFO: Event id: 864180036656531, time: 2024-10-15 16:43:03, type: deviceOffline, notifications: 1
2024-10-15 16:43:09  INFO: [T32a02763: gps103 <] ##,imei:864180036656531,A;
2024-10-15 16:43:09  INFO: Event id: 864180036656531, time: 2024-10-15 16:43:09, type: deviceOnline, notifications: 1
2024-10-15 16:43:31  INFO: [T32a02763: gps103 <] imei:864180036656531,tracker,241016004235,,F,164230.000,A,2523.0301,S,05722.7332,W,0.00,0;imei:864180036656531,tracker,241016004305,,F,164300.000,A,2523.0301,S,05722.7332,W,0.00,0;
2024-10-15 16:43:58  INFO: [T32a02763: gps103 <] imei:864180036656531,tracker,241016004335,,F,164331.000,A,2523.0301,S,05722.7332,W,0.00,0;864180036656531;
2024-10-15 16:44:31  INFO: [T32a02763: gps103 <] imei:864180036656531,tracker,241016004405,,F,164400.000,A,2523.0301,S,05722.7332,W,0.00,0;
2024-10-15 16:44:39  INFO: [T32a02763: gps103 <] imei:864180036656531,tracker,241016004435,,F,164431.000,A,2523.0301,S,05722.7332,W,0.00,0;
2024-10-15 16:44:59  INFO: [T32a02763: gps103 <] 864180036656531;
2024-10-15 16:45:09  INFO: [T32a02763: gps103 <] imei:864180036656531,tracker,241016004505,,F,164500.000,A,2523.0301,S,05722.7332,W,0.00,0;


2024-10-15 16:46:05  INFO: [T586e1277] id: 864895031197328, time: 2024-10-15 16:46:01, lat: -25.38383, lon: -57.37886, speed: 3.0, course: 0.0
2024-10-15 16:46:39  INFO: [T586e1277: gps103 <] imei:864895031197328,tracker,241016004626,,F,164627.00,A,2523.02650,S,05722.73302,W,0.311,0;864895031197328;
2024-10-15 16:47:01  INFO: [T586e1277] id: 864895031197328, time: 2024-10-15 16:46:27, lat: -25.38378, lon: -57.37888, speed: 0.3, course: 0.0
2024-10-15 16:47:33  INFO: [T586e1277: gps103 <] imei:864895031197328,tracker,241016004726,,F,164727.00,A,2523.02853,S,05722.73023,W,0.605,0;
2024-10-15 16:47:34  INFO: [T586e1277] id: 864895031197328, time: 2024-10-15 16:47:27, lat: -25.38381, lon: -57.37884, speed: 0.6, course: 0.0
2024-10-15 16:47:39  INFO: [T586e1277: gps103 <] 864895031197328;
2024-10-15 16:49:25  INFO: [T586e1277: gps103 <] imei:864895031197328,tracker,241016004826,,F,164827.00,A,2523.02710,S,05722.74136,W,0.098,0;864895031197328;imei:864895031197328,tracker,241016004854,,F,164855.00,A,2523.02295,S,05722.74000,W,2.915,350.59;
2024-10-15 16:49:27  INFO: [T586e1277] id: 864895031197328, time: 2024-10-15 16:48:27, lat: -25.38379, lon: -57.37902, speed: 0.1, course: 0.0
2024-10-15 16:49:27  INFO: [T586e1277] id: 864895031197328, time: 2024-10-15 16:48:55, lat: -25.38372, lon: -57.37900, speed: 2.9, course: 350.6
2024-10-15 16:49:30  INFO: [T586e1277: gps103 <] imei:864895031197328,tracker,241016004926,,F,164927.00,A,2523.00857,S,05722.74906,W,0.609,0;
2024-10-15 16:49:31  INFO: [T586e1277] id: 864895031197328, time: 2024-10-15 16:49:27, lat: -25.38348, lon: -57.37915, speed: 0.6, course: 0.0
2024-10-15 16:49:39  INFO: [T586e1277: gps103 <] 864895031197328;
Anton Tananaev4 months ago

It also seems like the log is filtered. Some lines are missing.

jesusle4 months ago

Yes, it is filtered by IMEI so that it can be compared, it seems that it is not sending location, maybe that is why, I also expanded the JVM RAM

Anton Tananaev4 months ago

And how are you making sure you're not filtering any relevant errors?

jesusle4 months ago

I've already looked at the logs... there's no error, I'm just comparing the 2 devices

Anton Tananaev4 months ago

OK, in that case I don't think I can help.

jesusle4 months ago

I just want know that means

2024-10-15 16:43:09  INFO: [T32a02763: gps103 <] ##,imei:864180036656531,A;

There no are location

jesusle4 months ago

I was doing some tests and removing and adding the device, and somehow it recognizes its locations and updates back on the map. It's worth mentioning that I migrated from version 6 to 6.5 recently, but just a few days ago I noticed that some TK103s had this issue.

2024-10-16 13:19:18  INFO: [T40a945fe: gps103 <] imei:864180032732054,tracker,241016211916,,F,131911.000,A,2521.0726,S,05737.5145,W,0.00,0;
2024-10-16 13:19:52  INFO: [T40a945fe: gps103 <] 864180032732054;
2024-10-16 13:20:17  INFO: [T40a945fe: gps103 <] imei:864180032732054,tracker,241016212016,,F,132011.000,A,2521.0726,S,05737.5145,W,0.00,0;
2024-10-16 13:20:52  INFO: Event id: 864180032732054, time: 2024-10-16 13:20:52, type: deviceOffline, notifications: 1
2024-10-16 13:20:53  INFO: [Tbc7cdbb9: gps103 <] ##,imei:864180032732054,A;
2024-10-16 13:20:53  INFO: Event id: 864180032732054, time: 2024-10-16 13:20:53, type: deviceOnline, notifications: 2
2024-10-16 13:21:17  INFO: [Tbc7cdbb9: gps103 <] imei:864180032732054,tracker,241016212116,,F,132111.000,A,2521.0726,S,05737.5145,W,0.00,0;
2024-10-16 13:21:53  INFO: [Tbc7cdbb9: gps103 <] 864180032732054;
2024-10-16 13:22:17  INFO: [Tbc7cdbb9: gps103 <] imei:864180032732054,tracker,241016212216,,F,132212.000,A,2521.0726,S,05737.5145,W,0.00,0;
2024-10-16 13:22:53  INFO: [Tbc7cdbb9: gps103 <] 864180032732054;
2024-10-16 13:23:18  INFO: [Tbc7cdbb9: gps103 <] imei:864180032732054,tracker,241016212316,,F,132312.000,A,2521.0726,S,05737.5145,W,0.00,0;
2024-10-16 13:23:54  INFO: [T5a1cc869: gps103 <] ##,imei:864180032732054,A;
2024-10-16 13:23:54  INFO: Event id: 864180032732054, time: 2024-10-16 13:23:54, type: deviceOnline, notifications: 1

readd device

2024-10-16 13:24:17  INFO: [T5a1cc869: gps103 <] imei:864180032732054,tracker,241016212416,,F,132412.000,A,2521.0726,S,05737.5145,W,0.00,0;
2024-10-16 13:24:17  INFO: [T5a1cc869] id: 864180032732054, time: 2024-10-16 13:24:12, lat: -25.35121, lon: -57.62524, course: 0.0
2024-10-16 13:24:55  INFO: [T5a1cc869: gps103 <] 864180032732054;
2024-10-16 13:25:17  INFO: [T5a1cc869: gps103 <] imei:864180032732054,tracker,241016212516,,F,132512.000,A,2521.0726,S,05737.5145,W,0.00,0;
2024-10-16 13:25:17  INFO: [T5a1cc869] id: 864180032732054, time: 2024-10-16 13:25:12, lat: -25.35121, lon: -57.62524, course: 0.0
2024-10-16 13:25:54  INFO: [T5a1cc869: gps103 <] 864180032732054;
2024-10-16 13:26:17  INFO: [T5a1cc869: gps103 <] imei:864180032732054,tracker,241016212616,,F,132612.000,A,2521.0726,S,05737.5145,W,0.00,0;
2024-10-16 13:26:18  INFO: [T5a1cc869] id: 864180032732054, time: 2024-10-16 13:26:12, lat: -25.35121, lon: -57.62524, course: 0.0
2024-10-16 13:26:54  INFO: [T5a1cc869: gps103 <] 864180032732054;
2024-10-16 13:27:17  INFO: [T5a1cc869: gps103 <] imei:864180032732054,tracker,241016212716,,F,132712.000,A,2521.0726,S,05737.5145,W,0.00,0;
2024-10-16 13:27:18  INFO: [T5a1cc869] id: 864180032732054, time: 2024-10-16 13:27:12, lat: -25.35121, lon: -57.62524, course: 0.0
jesusle4 months ago

Hi, @tananaev the difference I see is that the attributes are different...

before deleting and creating the device

*************************** 1. row ***************************
         id: 166129103
   protocol: gps103
   deviceid: 201
 servertime: 2024-10-14 02:03:17
 devicetime: 2024-10-14 02:03:17
    fixtime: 2024-10-13 01:58:29
      valid: 0x01
   latitude: -25.3512045
  longitude: -57.624804833333336
   altitude: 0
      speed: 0.444
     course: 0
    address: NULL
 attributes: {"distance":0.0,"totalDistance":2554666.9384933687,"motion":false,"hours":682897000,"ignition":false}
   accuracy: 0
    network: {"radioType":"gsm","considerIp":false,"cellTowers":[{"cellId":21592,"locationAreaCode":10302,"mobileCountryCode":0,"mobileNetworkCode":0}]}
geofenceids: null
*************************** 2. row ***************************
         id: 166129064
   protocol: gps103
   deviceid: 201
 servertime: 2024-10-14 02:03:12
 devicetime: 2024-10-14 02:03:12
    fixtime: 2024-10-13 01:58:29
      valid: 0x01
   latitude: -25.3512045
  longitude: -57.624804833333336
   altitude: 0
      speed: 0.444
     course: 0
    address: NULL
 attributes: {"distance":0.0,"totalDistance":2554666.9384933687,"motion":false,"hours":682897000,"ignition":false}
   accuracy: 0
    network: {"radioType":"gsm","considerIp":false,"cellTowers":[{"cellId":21592,"locationAreaCode":10302,"mobileCountryCode":0,"mobileNetworkCode":0}]}
geofenceids: null
2 rows in set (0.18 sec)

after creating the device again

*************************** 1. row ***************************
         id: 166322264
   protocol: gps103
   deviceid: 228
 servertime: 2024-10-16 15:30:55
 devicetime: 2024-10-16 15:30:53
    fixtime: 2024-10-16 15:30:53
      valid: 0x01
   latitude: -25.319026
  longitude: -57.53393
   altitude: 0
      speed: 0.251
     course: 0
    address: NULL
 attributes: {"distance":0.9115809199592738,"totalDistance":0.9115809199592738,"motion":false}
   accuracy: 0
    network: null
geofenceids: null
*************************** 2. row ***************************
         id: 166322198
   protocol: gps103
   deviceid: 228
 servertime: 2024-10-16 15:29:55
 devicetime: 2024-10-16 15:29:53
    fixtime: 2024-10-16 15:29:53
      valid: 0x01
   latitude: -25.319017833333334
  longitude: -57.53392933333333
   altitude: 0
      speed: 0.149
     course: 0
    address: NULL
 attributes: {"distance":0.0,"totalDistance":0.0,"motion":false}
   accuracy: 0
    network: null
geofenceids: null
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
jesusle4 months ago

Updating the case, I also tried restarting the service, but it didn’t work the first few times. On one more attempt, by stopping and starting it, the stuck mobiles started reporting again without needing to recreate them. There might be an error in the cache manager that isn’t clearing the data properly, because I checked and saw that no filter was being applied.