Summary report distance different from trips

Ronald4 months ago

I have a minor issue (i assume).
I am getting different distance values when generating the trips report vs when generating summary report.
This appears to be affecting a few devices (though others of the same make and model are not affected) and it is also intermittent, e.g today's values can match while yesterday's values are not.
I am using Accurate gt06 which does not send odometer value.
For example. in the images below, the total distance in trips (combined) is about 242.91 km whereas Summary is showing 124.93 km.

What could be causing this issue and how can i possibly avoid or correct it?



Ronald4 months ago

Additional info: I came to the conclusion that Summary is the one that's erroneous because i analyzed the trips and the distance value in trips is matching the actual geographical distance. There are no network jumps.

Anton Tananaev4 months ago

There could be many different reasons. For example, the most common is that selected period of time included incomplete trip. It will not be included in the trips, but it will be included in the summary.

Ronald4 months ago

Hi Anton
Thank you for the response.
When the period has an uncompleted trip with distance not included in trips but included in summary, it is supposed to leave us with more kms on summary than on trips right?
In this instance, the summary report is less.
I have attached below another report from yesterday (complete day) and have a total actual distance value of about 190kms but only 34.73kms in summary as well as only 3 hours in engine time whereas the first trip with 138kms ran for about 5 and half hours, so that trip alone has more kms and more duration (engine time) than the summary computed.
What could be the factors causing this?



Anton Tananaev4 months ago

Summary should have more.

Ronald4 months ago

Indeed, i thought so too.
What do you think could be causing this?

Anton Tananaev4 months ago

There's no point in guessing. Itl recommend checking the raw data (route report).

Ronald4 months ago

You are right. I have looked at the route report for yesterday and the difference between the start Total Distance and the End Total Distance is 34.74km as showing in summary. I am wondering where the other kms are getting lost. I am kindly sharing the report below if you and others can take a look

Route Report

Anton Tananaev4 months ago

Sorry, that's beyond what I can do on the forum. But you should just check the position at the start/end of the summary and each trip and see where the difference is coming from.