Support for Blackvue DR770X-2CH

Sheepish26 months ago

Hi there!

I currently have a Blackvue DR770X-2CH that will upload locally to my network and I was wondering if there was any plans to integrate Blackvue files into Traccar or if there is a way I can manually upload into it or by way of CRON job?

My current vision I have/hope is below;

  1. DashCam Connects to Local Network via IP
  2. Docker CRON job runs and uploads data (.mp4 (video file), .gps, .thm & .3gf)
  3. Docker CRON job checks every 15 minutes to upload new files but will only hold two weeks of data.

Ideally I'd like another CRON job or traccar to take access to the/a file structure on my windows box and grab those GPS files and input into Traccar front end.

Anton Tananaev6 months ago

Does it actually report location?

Sheepish26 months ago

From the .gps file it reports the below.

Sheepish26 months ago

BlackVue has support for a 90day gps track to their cloud services however I’m not keen on uploading to their services.

I’ve stopped all comms outside of my network just so I can upload the files locally.

Anton Tananaev6 months ago

Looks like mostly NMEA data. You should be able to send this through port 5005. As for media files, you can upload them into the media folder, but you need to somehow link them to positions. Otherwise Traccar won't know they exist.

Sheepish25 months ago

Cheers mate,

I’ll see what program I can come up with and get back to you :)

Sheepish25 months ago

G'Day Anton!

I am at a loss and have spent an entire day trying to figure this out.
So i've read into osmand protocol and have data able to be pushed from the URL:5055. I appear to be faulting at the data end of the line, trying to get a script of some sorts able to read the data and make it notable in traccar but I am at no good end. Would you have any ideas?

Multiple .GPS files with multiple lines per file containing the information. I then need to convert that data somehow in a loop to then try and push it out.

Anton Tananaev5 months ago

Not sure what kind of help you're expecting here.

Sheepish25 months ago

Just seeing if you had any ideas or intentions of supporting the blackvues.

I have however managed to get at least somewhere with scripting.

Currently works in two parts,

  1. Power shell script will look for any .gps files in a given directory and will insert them into a processed_files.log.

  2. This part runs a bat script, (idk, bat just works for this part), it’ll read out the NMEA data and will put it into particular fields of the Osmand protocol, it’ll hold that link in memory then send out a hefty amount of http posts to 5055.

My only issue at the moment is converting the time of the NMEA line, when it tries to convert it into epoch from Unix, it error 400 and doesn’t send those messages.

Any ideas to this one?

Anton Tananaev5 months ago

Why not send NMEA data as is?

Sheepish25 months ago

I’ll do some research but what would be best way to send that over 5005? Also would be sending this data from windows into traccar docker..

Anton Tananaev5 months ago

Port 5005 accept raw TCP stream of NMEA data, so you can push data as is from your files.

Sheepish25 months ago

What could be best way to perform this on a windows box if you have a specific command?

I’ve been reading and tried this thread but no luck