2024-09-24 17:37:49 WARN: Port disabled due to conflict - Address already in use - BindException (...)
2024-09-24 17:37:50 WARN: JAXBContext implementation could not be found. WADL feature is disabled.
After allowing the same UDP port used in web.port, the application starts but the problem persists.
<entry key='web.port'>8080</entry>
<entry key='protocols.enable'>gt06</entry>
In the configuration, only one protocol is enabled and only two ports are allowed to be used. What other ports does traccar try to use and how can I disable it?
My bad. I had a second traccar application open in the background. Sorry for the inconvenience.
You can help me for My branding in last versiĆ³n?
GPS Roberto please don't make off-topic comments like this.
Is it a bug that the application does not start when there is no permission to use the UDP web port? Previously (v6.4), the application only needed the TCP port and started without a problem when the same UDP port was occupied.