Please your opinion about Teltonika FMB920

JBG6 months ago

Hi all!

I have the opportunity to buy a Teltonika FMB920 device at a promotional price of about $25
In my country, this price is comparable to Chinese no-name clones.

Can anyone share their opinion on this model or Teltonika brand in general?
Do you use other devices from other brands in this price range?

Anton Tananaev6 months ago

Teltonika is definitely one of the best options, so if you can get it at a good price, I think you should go for it.

Joystick6 months ago

Teltonika devices are definitely a good brand device. Thats what I use. Not sure what networks is available in your country but please note fmb920 are 2g devices.

Richard Creer6 months ago

I've used fmC920s for over a year and they have worked well in a marine environment. Be aware - they have a huge and bewildering array of configuration options!

The fmC is 4G whereas I think the fmB is actually 3G perhaps explaining the low price.

Maybe they both drop back to 2G but, as Joystick said, you need to understand the future of networks in your country before buying.

JBG6 months ago

Yes I already know fmB is 2G but that's fine for me.
In my country 3 years will only start to switch off 3G and there are no plans to switch off 2G yet so it will work long enough for me.

I don't have the device in my hand yet but I'm starting to like Teltonika because of the huge amount of information available, wiki etc... :)

Thanks for the info!

JBG6 months ago

I have two more questions for you:

  1. The only problem I found is the lack of the Configurator application for Linux (Windows only).
    Does anyone of you work on Linux via Wine?

  2. How do I get an invitation to FOTA-WEB? My vendor does not offer it to me.

Joystick6 months ago
  1. I use configurator on windows to configure them or via traccar with gprs commands which works very well
  2. You will need to request FOTA acces from Teltonika for your devices and see what they say. Normally your Teltonika sales manager will set you up. I was granted acces to FOTA due to the amount of Teltonika devices I have on my system which is in excess of 1k.
Richard Creer6 months ago

I suggest FOTA is for fleet management so you won't need it for one device.

JBG6 months ago

I suggest FOTA is for fleet management so you won't need it for one device.

Ultimately I will have 5 devices, so it's not a fleet :)
FOTA will be more needed for remote configuration and maintenance, because I don't use Windows...