trip reported when minimal trip distance not met

jata6 months ago

I have had minimal trip duration and distance configured in traccar.xml. Recently I have noticed trips being recorded when the minimal distance has not been met. I am running latest traccar 6.4 in docker.

Config and example of trip that I am trying to exclude as distance has not been met.

What am I missing?

config is this:

<entry key='report.trip.minimalTripDuration'>600</entry>
<entry key='report.trip.minimalTripDistance'>500</entry>


Anton Tananaev6 months ago

Do you have any other relevant configuration?

jata6 months ago

I don't think so - here is my full (redacted) config. Is there anything else I need to provide config wise?

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<!DOCTYPE properties SYSTEM ''>
<entry key="config.default">./conf/default.xml</entry>
<entry key='database.driver'>com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver</entry>
<entry key='database.url'>jdbc:mysql://traccar-db:3306/traccar?zeroDateTimeBehavior=round&amp;serverTimezone=UTC&amp;allowPublicKeyRetrieval=true&amp;useSSL=true&amp;allowMultiQueries=true&amp;autoReconnect=true&amp;useUnicode=yes&amp;characterEncoding=UTF-8&amp;sessionVariables=sql_mode=''</entry>
<entry key='database.user'>traccar</entry>
<entry key='database.password'>xxxpasswordxxx</entry>
<entry key='filter.enable'>true</entry>
<entry key=''>true</entry>
<entry key='filter.maxSpeed'>120</entry>
<entry key='filter.accuracy'>45</entry>
<entry key='speedLimit.enable'>true</entry>
<entry key='speedLimit.type'>overpass</entry>
<entry key='speedLimit.accuracy'>100</entry>
<entry key='speedLimit.url'></entry>
<entry key='geocoder.enable'>true</entry>
<entry key='geocoder.type'>nominatim</entry>
<entry key='geocoder.url'></entry>
<entry key='geocoder.onRequest'>false</entry>
<entry key='geocoder.ignorePositions'>false</entry>
<entry key='geocoder.reuseDistance'>50</entry>
<entry key='report.trip.minimalTripDuration'>600</entry>
<entry key='report.trip.minimalTripDistance'>500</entry>
<entry key='osmand.address'></entry>
<entry key='osmand.port'>5055</entry>
<entry key='logger.level'>info</entry>
Anton Tananaev6 months ago

Actually I just realized the duration matches your limit (10 minutes). So seems like a valid trip detection.

jata6 months ago

I see. So it matches one parameter not the other and still reports a trip. Can this be configured to not report if either of the parameters are not met?

The data is not really a trip at all. It is jitter from a gps device so all of the data is in a radius of around 50m. Is there something I can do with this to filter the data maybe?

Anton Tananaev6 months ago

You can try adjusting the speed threshold.

jata6 months ago

Thanks. I will keep an eye on it and try adjusting a few things

Track-trace6 months ago

Could also filter.distance and coordinates.minError be of any use