Firebase notification error

Hi, Firebase notifications are not working as expected, this is the message that appears in the log.

2024-09-11 11:26:22  WARN: Firebase error - No enum constant - IllegalArgumentException (... < NotificatorFirebase:113 < NotificationResource:96 < ... < OverrideFilter:49 < ...)

The traccar version is traccar-linux-64-4.5

I have already checked the token from user attributes in the Firebase console and it is working, the message arrives correctly.

From Notifications -> Test Channels is not working

Any ideas ?


Anton Tananaev3 months ago

Firebase deprecated some APIs. You should update to the latest version of Traccar.

Thanks will do :)

globaltracker3 months ago

Anton, We are having the same issue, however, our Traccar is 5.6 with the new Firebase v1 as I can see you guys updated the new API from firebase from Traccar 5.2, in theory, shouldn't give this error right?
Appreciate your support.

Anton Tananaev3 months ago

There were multiple deprecations.

borat3 months ago

I am encountering the error while using version 5.5. I don't want to update to the latest 6.4 version due to a GT06 freezing issue. Will updating to version 5.12 resolve the Firebase issue?

Antonio Junior3 months ago

Dear borat, if you do not want to update to the latest version of traccar, you need to use a non-deprecated function in the server source code and recompile, after that upload the .jar. Take advantage and update the firebase library and also upload the lib folder.

borat3 months ago

Hi Antonio, seems 6.0 will fix the firebase issue , it worked in test environment and i will try it in production tonight.

Antonio Junior3 months ago

I understand, I advise you to take a look at the information about the versions, v6.1 was created to correct some things from v6.0.
See here

Welcomme3 months ago

Hi, how are you? What version did you finally migrate to?
I'm having the same problem. Versions before 6 without Firebase. Later versions freeze the devices (any protocol)
I tried everything from 5.8 to 6.4 including the prereleases that I found in another forum topic.
When the device sends an ignition it disconnects and stops reporting.
I also tried with the emulator in the Osmand port. When it receives an event it stops working.

Anton Tananaev3 months ago
Welcomme3 months ago

Hi Anton, I hope you are well?

Thanks for answering me so quickly.
I'll tell you that I've been following the posts and trying out versions.
Right now I have installed what you mentioned (Unless you modified it today). I installed it a few hours ago.

The problem continues...
Protocols tested (OSMAND-H2-GT06-T800x)

I didn't want to create a new post because I saw that they are dealing with the subject in several places.

A hug!

Anton Tananaev3 months ago
Welcomme3 months ago

What great news!
Install it now, I'll test it and let you know!
Thank you very much!

Welcomme3 months ago

So far everything seems fine, the emulator on port 5055 is still running and sending events.
I also quickly tested with gt06 and an H2 and both sent ignition events correctly.
I'm still testing....