Notification token creation

smsoousa9 days ago

Hello everyone! Could someone tell me if they are having the problem of creating a notification token? I delete the account token, log out the user from both the web system and the application, but the token is still not created automatically as before. Any tips? My version is 6.4

Anton Tananaev9 days ago

It's created on login, not logout. And only in the mobile app, of course.

Hello friend, good afternoon. Seeing your comment, the same thing is happening to me. I have updated my app to the latest version of Firebase available and I use Traccar 6.4. After this, the notification token is not generated, when returning to version 6.1 it works correctly, Does anyone here know what could be happening.

smsoousa8 days ago

Anton, can you tell me if version 6.4 already has the API and firebase libraries updated? Because in previous versions our native app generates normal tokens, but when we migrated to 6.4 the tokens stopped being recorded. The app generates them normally, but does not record them.

Anton Tananaev8 days ago


It seems that there is a flaw in the FAREBASE API that version 6.4 has. It also doesn't work from the native traccar MANAGER app.

Anton Tananaev7 days ago

Just tested on the latest Traccar Manager from Google Play and it works for me. Tested on demo server 2.