Custom icons and ignore status

Luc VDN3 months ago


I've created a list of SVG :

I put my SVG in src/resources/images/icon/
I changed src/map/core/preloadImages.js

My icons are OK on traccar, but they don't have their color :(
Their color are changed by status color (grey, black and green) and my color are ignored :'(

Who know what must I change to ignore status color (grey, black and green) and keep the color defined in the SVG ?

Thank you

Anton Tananaev3 months ago

You probably have to change the code that loads those icons.

Cristian3 months ago

Luc VDN, this part of the code sets the color of the icon

and here you use it

this is general for all icons, but with that you have an idea of what you have to change to get what you need

alexandre vannier3 months ago


We would like to override status color on the category icon

We found information in the Github issue :

The example below is to change color on digital input :

di1 ? "primary" : null

Is it possible to change color on the category icon with compute attribute ?

Thanks for your help.

Anton Tananaev3 months ago

You found the right thing. It changes the icon color using computed attributes.

kindly share expression for the computed attribute

alexandre vannier2 months ago

Hi, we didn't use custom attribute, we uploaded new svg logo and use it in a custom traccar-web build.

Result :
2024-10-18 10_50_51-Traccar.png

Screenshot 2024-10-18 091807.png

how can I achieve this in green

rowl3ya month ago

Also looking on how todo this ?