
n5na7 months ago

Has any consideration been given to implement SmartBeaconing in the Traccar Client app? SmartBeaconing has been used for years for the Automatic Packet Reporting System (APRS). SmartBeaconing reduces the reporting frequency at slow speeds and increases the reporting frequency at high speeds. It also has “Corner Pegging” for turns.

Here is a track I made last September using an APRS app called APRSDroid that uses SmartBeaconing.!ts=1694822400&te=1694908800&call=a%2FN5NA-5 As you can see it gives excellent tracking.

Some SmartBeaconing info is at however the link to the algorithm is bad.

APRSDroid is an open source app located on Github.

SmartBeaconing would be a great addition to the Traccar Client.

Anton Tananaev7 months ago

Haven't looked into it, but normally something like this would require constant GPS tracking, which uses battery a lot.

n5na7 months ago

True, it probably uses more battery. But it could be a choice to use frequency / distance like it is now or SmartBeaconing, depending on the user's preference / needs.

As it is now one needs to change the frequency / distance depending on the speed anticipated.

Just thought I'd bring it up.

Thanks for your consideration and great program!


Anton Tananaev7 months ago

I recommend creating a ticket on GitHub for this. Can't guarantee anything, but good to have it in the backlog just in case.

n5na7 months ago

Will do. Thanks!

drunkly6 months ago

As it is now one needs to change the frequency / distance depending on the speed anticipated.

Really?, I think "distance" is only to show motion yes/no on reports. I think it would be great if there is some documentation about the client application because mostly parameters are guessed through try/error more than described. A little icon "?" with short description would save time to most users.