Sinotrack ST-906L H02 protocol and GPRS commands

NaxFM6 months ago

Hi everyone, i'm pretty new here. I just finished setting up a server and the Sinotrack ST-906L tracker. It was all very easy.
Now i'm facing a problem: i want to use the GPRS commands from traccar server, but it seems that the only commands that work are the built in cut off engine and restart engine. Any other command does not receive any response from the device.
If i copy the engine cut off command from the log file and send it as a custom command it works, so i know that sending custom commands works. I also know for a fact that every command i send gets received correctly, because i monitor the power consumption of the tracker and I see a couple of seconds of high current consumption whenever i send a command.
I read all protocol documents i could find and i can't figure it out. I'm starting to suspect this particular device only responds to those two commands and nothing else. Commands sent via SMS work fine, but i want to avoid those because i pay for each SMS the device sends.
The protocol it uses is the H02 on port 5013.
This commands stops the engine and works fine *HQ,<DEVICE ID>,S20,211200,1,1#, it also responds with an OK signal
*HQ,<DEVICE ID>,S71,211324,22,20# This one, which is the built in command to change the update interval (20 seconds in this case), gets ignored and i don't see any reponse in the log file, and of course the update interval stays the old 30 seconds.

If you have any experience or suggestions, please share them with me because it has been a couple of days and I tried everything i can think of
Thank you

Anton Tananaev6 months ago

Have you checked with the device vendor or protocol documentation to see if it's an expected behavior?

NaxFM6 months ago

Hi Anton, thank you for your quick response and for this amazing service you make available to everyone.
From the protocol documentation i see that for many commands i should expect a response, like with the engine restart, where the device responds correctly with the position toghether with the string S20,OK
But even if I send the info command i don't receive anything.
Just one question: i read in a github thread posted years ago that traccar ignores every response from the device that does not send the full data packet with the position.
Is that still so? It may explain why i can't see anything in the log file for the majority of commands. This is just a thought based on the long power consumption increase i see when i send any command. The shape of the current absorption waveform is identical to the one i have every 30 seconds where the tracker sends data, so i suspect it is sending something and maybe i just don't see it in the log file. I'm not really sure about this though.
In any case, i'll write an email to the manufacturer, maybe they'll be able to provide me with useful info.
Thank you again

Anton Tananaev6 months ago

We do support command results for some protocols, but even if it's not supported, you still have to see the response as the raw data. If you don't see that, it means the device is not responding for some reason.

Rodney Yeo6 months ago

Hi! NaxFM,

Just to share my experiences with SinoTrack ST-906L and ST-904L trackers which I am still trying to figure out the issues.

I am too facing the same similar issues like you do. The only TracCar Custom Command with works is "8040000 5013" which changes the tracking server to my private TracCar 6.4 latest version and tracker device reboots.

All other "Custom Command" like ... "RESTART", "RCONF", "CXZT" ... fails to show the output results at device properties "Green Circle Triple Dots" icon followed by "More Details" device info.

But the "Green Circle Triple Dots", "More Details" options which my other SeeWorld S5L tracker shows perfectly except for one important command "PARAM#" which does not show results at "More Details".

But all SinoTrack SMS command shown on the user manual works on IoT Platform when performing query on "Device Triple Dot", "Device Function", " Text Transport" send command query. It fails to work on TracCar Server Custom Command platform.

Which I could not figure out the root cause as I have checked the TracCar server logs and nothing on the Custom Command send is shown.

Hope someone got a solution to this mysterious issue. Thanks for sharing. I have share with Anton Tananaev too of this issue but no luck on any solution so far.

Thanks anyway to Anton for the useful resourceful guide so far learned.


NaxFM7 months ago

Thank you both for your answer.
I have just sent an email to the manufacturer asking for more info and possibly for a list of all the supported commands. I'll keep you updated.

Rodney Yeo6 months ago

Thanks to Anton Tananaev for the informative response.

We do support command results for some protocols, but even if it's not supported, you still have to see the response as the "raw data". If you don't see that, it means the device is not responding for some reason.

Dear Anton, Does this means we can view the response as raw data via our own Private TracCar Server Platform for example at ... or via SSH Linux Terminal /opt/traccar/logs/tracker-server.log ... Or will there be a future TracCar features ... TracCar Device Console Terminal interface will be useful so we can see direct response like in SinoTrack Device Function, Text Transport Interface terminal?

Example of SinoTrack Device Function Text Transport interface terminal ...


Dsuarez6 months ago

Hi everyone,

I am using sinotrack as well and all commands are working for me using the same format as SMS.

Sinotrack command.PNG

You can get more information on this link:

Rodney Yeo6 months ago

Hi Dsuarez2,

May we know what product model are you using ST-???

And what is the firmware version your hardware firmware query via QZXT command?

You mean all command via SMS is also working full list via TracCar Device, Settings, Command?

Are you on latest version of TracCar 6.4 too?

Chris5 months ago

Hi Everyone,

I'm using the sinotrack 906L, some commands work well (RESET), but others (RCONF) never respond.

Commands like "8090000 300" (which set the periodic reporting to very 5 minutes) work via SMS but not via the custom command.

Is there anything I can do to make these work?


Rodney Yeo5 months ago

Hi Chris,

I have SinoTrack ST-906L and ST-904L and all command works except RCONF does reply via TracCar Custom Command. The rest of the command replied perfectly.

ACC ON Interval Update
8050000 10

ACC OFF Interval Update
8090000 60

The above is best recommended settings for SinoTrack ST-906L without any issues.

Also note that ACC ON Interval Update cannot be set lower value time update than 10 seconds. ACC OFF Interval Update 60 seconds was set to ensure the device does not gets triggered by the heartbeat interval of 300 seconds which are factory set and we do not know what command to change it as the factory support staffs refuse to let us know the text command code for heartbeat.

Here are a few commands which I found seems to work!

Set Platform
8040000 8090

View IMEI Number

Change Password




Also note sometimes RESTART command fails to take effect then you can use set platform commands which will force reboot of unit too. Example ... 8040000 5013 which works!

Chris5 months ago

Thanks Rodney,

What version of Traccar are you using? my build is a year old, might need updating.

I have four devices or various firmware versions, all are behaving the same.


Rodney Yeo5 months ago

I am on latest version of TracCar Server and App 6.5 as advise by our beloved dearest guru since most bugs have been resolved by him in latest version.

To get the RCONF and CXZT command results. You need to RESTART the device tracker to get the final active results settings.

I use this idea trick by temporary shifting my ST-906L and ST-904L tracker from my private TracCar Raspberry Pi server to SinoTrack Cloud Server.

Then use the H02 Protocol command via Device Text Terminal to get the actual result configuration on the device.

Once satisfied with the config results then shift back to our Private TracCar Raspberry Pi Server.

8040000 5013

8040000 8090

Since TrackCar Server could not output results of non custom H02 Protocol by SinoTrack unless creator give us a back end text terminal console to read the input and output results in future.