Road Speed

Essam2 months ago

Can I get the road speed limit, and set the speed limit notifications according to?

Anton Tananaev2 months ago

Yes. Currently we only support overpass as the provider.

Essam2 months ago

Many Thanks Anton
How can I configure the traccar to get the road speed ?

Anton Tananaev2 months ago
Essam2 months ago

It seems i have to set the configuration at server level. Can I set such configuration at user level ?

Anton Tananaev2 months ago

No, only global configuration is supported.

Essam2 months ago

so the new configuration will overwrite the speedlimit we stetted at server/group/unit level ? can i use the computed attributes to handle the speed limit per user ?

Anton Tananaev2 months ago

so the new configuration will overwrite the speedlimit we stetted at server/group/unit level ?


can i use the computed attributes to handle the speed limit per user ?

Yes. You can clear the speed limit in the position.

Essam2 months ago

Many Thanks Anton
Clear means set speedlimit at position level to null ?

Anton Tananaev2 months ago
