Maintenance Reminders Logic

Victor Butler6 months ago

I have a question about the maintenance reminders logic.

For example, we take the odometer type maintenance and we set Start = 10000 and Period = 500.
This should generate events when the mileage goes beyond 10500, 11000, 11500, etc.

However, I fail to understand how does traccar know that there was event at 10500 so that it doesn't generate one at 10501? Is it checking past events?

Anton Tananaev6 months ago

It check when previous position had odometer < 10500 and new position has odometer >= 10500.

Victor Butler6 months ago

Ok got it! I was worried that some events might get sent again if we delete entries form the events table.

Just to confirm, the data that get recorded in the event attributes column like {"odometer":1.25496033E8} is just for informational purposes? It has no relevance as to the events functionality?

Anton Tananaev6 months ago

Yes, we don't use old events for any logic.

Victor Butler6 months ago

Thanks, always appreciate the clarifications!