traccar 6.4 on rpi 64bit

bristol4066 months ago
pi@home-server:/opt/traccar $ ls -al /opt/traccar/jre/bin/java
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 70744 Aug 16 19:49 /opt/traccar/jre/bin/java
pi@home-server:/opt/traccar $
bristol4065 months ago

As expected when I install traccar 6.4 on a clean Raspbian installation it works perfectly using it's own java files.
However if I install it on system which already has java 11 on it I get all sorts of issues. Which version of java is included with traccar 6.4 ? If I make my system version the same as traccar version maybe my problems will dissapear.

odhiambo5 months ago

When you install traccar, you can always check the version of java bundled with as follows:

root@eu:/home/wash# /opt/traccar/jre/bin/java -version
openjdk version "21.0.4" 2024-07-16 LTS
OpenJDK Runtime Environment Temurin-21.0.4+7 (build 21.0.4+7-LTS)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM Temurin-21.0.4+7 (build 21.0.4+7-LTS, mixed mode)

If you want to run it with your own version of Java, then edit the service file:

root@eu:/home/wash# systemctl cat traccar
# /etc/systemd/system/traccar.service

ExecStart=/opt/traccar/jre/bin/java -jar tracker-server.jar conf/traccar.xml < CHANGE HERE!!


Then the usual systemctl daemon-reload && systemctl start traccar


bristol4065 months ago

Unfortunately that's part of the problem.

`mike@TestServer:~ $` sudo /opt/traccar/jre/bin/java -version
sudo: unable to execute /opt/traccar/jre/bin/java: No such file or directory
`mike@TestServer:~ $`
Yet if I go to /opt/traccar/jre/bin
`mike@TestServer:/opt/traccar/jre/bin $` ls -l
total 288
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 70744 Aug 18 15:44 java
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 70848 Aug 18 15:44 jrunscript
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 70824 Aug 18 15:44 keytool
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 70840 Aug 18 15:44 rmiregistry
`mike@TestServer:/opt/traccar/jre/bin $`

The java file is there.

smartguy5 months ago

I have installed traccar on odroid N2++ running debian bookworm. The server starts and I am able to access the web interface on port 8082. But when I try to send data to the server using osmand protocol on 5055. The server is not listening on port 5055. The setup works perfectly on rpi3b and i am able to use osmand protocol. I am using the linux arm64 install. Otherwise it a beautiful software and is exactly what I was looking for. Thank you Anton and other co-developers. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Anton Tananaev5 months ago

Have you checked if the process is listening on the port? Are you sure it's not a firewall or some network issue?

smartguy5 months ago

Thanks for the reply. Yes, it was a firewall issue and I fixed it. Keep up the good work.