What is the difference between the versions?

Yehiela month ago

Is there documentation of what is different in each version (it will help to understand if I need to update)

Cristiana month ago
Anton Tananaeva month ago

If you want a more detailed version, you can also check git log.

Rodney Yeoa month ago

Yea, read the change log at github on version to download and use.

I have tested the entire version varients and found 6.2 to be the most optimum or most wanted by everyone version.

Why? Because all Notification Channels works wonderfully and so is last free Google Map without API is usable.

It took me three days to test all 6.x tree and found 6.2 is the best to be used and no more upgrade for me.

Good hunting!

Rodney Yeoa month ago

Cause after version 6.2 without Google Map working permission FireBase and TracCar Notification fails. Since those notification dependa on Google keys.

Anton Tananaeva month ago

That's completely false information. Notifications have nothing to do with Google key.

Rodney Yeoa month ago

Oh! Please enlighten us most gracious creator of TracCar guru .... Thanks :)

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Anton Tananaeva month ago

Not sure how that thread is related.

Rodney Yeoa month ago

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I saw an article in the forum where they suggest that I should not use the firebase apikey since it does not work in 5.4 but they recommend me to request the firebase account due to the updates of the google services. https://www.traccar.org/forums/topic/firebase-push-configuration-model-help/

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Anton Tananaeva month ago

How is that related to Google Map key?

Rodney Yeoa month ago

You are right, I think to have mistake assumption for Google Services?

Or it is all because of this ...
Admin User Notification Token how does it auto generate and auto insert itself into the Attribute into the Admin Profile?