report.fastThreshold does not work

Deborah6 months ago


I created a second instance of Traccar using Mysql instead of the built-in h2.

The configuration file between the 2 instances is identical in all but the DB part and the version of Traccar is also the same (6.3).

The device data is duplicated, so I have the same locations and devices for both instances.

The problem is that if I try to make a summary report for example for only today, in the mysql instance average speed and driving hours are not filled in, while in the H2 instance they are.

For both instances the configuration file has this line that should prevent this:

<entry key='report.fastThreshold'>9000000</entry>.

everything else seems to be working properly
What am I missing?

Anton Tananaev6 months ago

Engine hours should work in both fast and normal reports. You need to look for the problem somewhere else. Check the raw data and see what attributes you have there.

Deborah6 months ago

I saw that the problem occurs only in some messages. I don't see any obvious errors, and the logs don't show anything unusual either. I have highlighted the period in yellow in the file "report7" and in the other one I have extracted the raw data.
Do you see anything unusual?

If I do a sommario excluding those 2 minutes it works perfectly

I have at least 3 other cases that are the same

Anton Tananaev6 months ago

Can you please extract the relevant data in the Excel document you have.

Deborah6 months ago

could having changed the server time zone during the day have caused problems like this? i see that indeed the log file "goes back in time"