filter.maxSpeed - Value Explanation

Gps man7 months ago

Need to know what is the value expected here and the computation of this filter.

As per the document we should start with min. value of 25000. if this is 25000 knots / sec or per hour or meter / sec or knots

Eg. I want to limit this to 140 km/hr what should be the value here................

Anton Tananaev7 months ago

The documentation is pretty clear about the units.

Gps man7 months ago

Yes but if you say 25000 is knots then that means 46300 km/ hr.....

Can you confirm what value should be used to keep this limit to 140 km/hr

Adriano Miranda7 months ago

@GPS man,

140 km/h = 75.594 knots

By the way:
km/h to knots = km/h / 1.852
knots to km/h = knots * 1.852

Gps man7 months ago

Thanks Adriano.

But the document says to start with small value as small as 25000.... So I m worried what will happen if we set the value like 76 which is in 2 digits ?

Adriano Miranda7 months ago
  1. If one of your devices exceeds 140km/h, then these positions will be filtered out. That’s all.
  2. Yes, you can set it to just 76. I believe the documentation mentioned 25000 to avoid filtering out a lot of data by mistake.