Watch Protocol Oddity

Alex6 months ago

Ah sorry, I didn‘t knew of its extistence. I‘ll check it out. Trank you.

Alex6 months ago

Another question. Do you know if the TK905 4G variants uses the watch protocol at the correct way, Anton? I ask because i like the TK devices and want 4G devices too. But the Problem with the battery is still anoying. If the TK905 4G works correct, I will send back the TK913-4G.

I can really unterstand if you won‘t fix an issue which is not really yours. But it is a bit pity for me to try to fix it every release by myself.

Anton Tananaev6 months ago

You have to get a proper protocol documentation for us to fix it.

Berbigou6 months ago

@Alex about TK913-4G
"Do you know if the TK905 4G variants uses the watch protocol at the correct way, Anton? I ask because i like the TK devices and want 4G devices too. But the Problem with the battery is still anoying"

I support Alex request !!

Thank you for spending time for that

Alex6 months ago

So I found the distributor website and wrote winnes/tkstar a mail where I asked for an corrected protocol documentation. I linked that tread here, too.

I can not find comparable devices on the market wich will work good with traccar. So I hope, they’ll give us an actual documentation.

From now, I‘ll wait for there reply.